男士理容品牌HOUSE 99全新上市

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 护肤

项目日期: 2018-09-25 17:00 2018-09-25 21:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: 男士理容品牌HOUSE 99全新上市

男士理容品牌HOUSE 99全新上市





2018年9月25日,由大卫·贝克汉姆和欧莱雅集团联合创立的男士全新理容品牌HOUSE 99在上海成功举办上市活动。

Celebrated superstar co-founder David Beckham together with L'Oréal Group, successfully launched their new grooming brand House 99.

当晚各路潮咖型男汇聚,主理人大卫·贝克汉姆也现身现场,与六位HOUSE 99理容秘社第一批中国成员欧阳靖、王子异、gogoboi、造型师田洪禹、理容师Henry、纹身师刘爵槐一起,用英伦男士理容的潮流热浪席卷夜上海。

Brand Founder David Beckham made his appearance, together with the first 6 HOUSE 99 China community members.

活动现场精心设置了理发区,纹身区,360度拍照区和无限镜子区来让各路潮人深度体验理容。此外,来自贝克汉姆最喜欢的理容店之一 — 费加罗理容店的Fabio Marquez也亲临现场,为嘉宾打造独一无二的前卫造型。

APAX worked with the brand to develop 5 Interactive zones that would best showcase HOUSE 99’s unique point of view. In one barber shop-like zone, Fabio Marquez, the stylist from one of Beckham's favorite grooming stores—Figaro, showed off his creative and unique avant-garde styling skills for the guests.

HOUSE 99致力于为每一位潮流男士提供独一无二的全线理容产品,帮助他们打造出符合时代潮流以及自我风格的时尚造型。

HOUSE 99 is an all-in-grooming community which dedicates itself to providing every “trendy” man with a unique range of products to help them create their own personal style.

APAX很荣幸能助力HOUSE 99在中国的上市,期待它为中国男士带来新的潮流灵感及理念。

APAX continuously enjoys to be ahead of the creative curve, making waves where we can, leading the pack. Hand-in-hand with HOUSE 99, we boldly go forth to venture new trendsetting ideas.




部分信息来自 APAX 微信公众号内容

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