奥迪 “近距离探索”主题品牌活动

项目品牌: Audi 奥迪

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2019-09-20 19:00 2019-09-21 22:00

项目地点: 香港 九龙启德邮轮码头

项目名称: 奥迪 “近距离探索”主题品牌活动




香港 九龙启德邮轮码头


9 月 20 日至 9 月 21 日,SMS GROUP 香港团队携手奥迪在香港最具代表性的城市天际线九龙启德邮轮码头举办了大型品牌活动。本次活动主打“近距离探索”主题,邀请嘉宾近距离探索奥迪新维度,体验奥迪的超凡科技及创新惊喜。

From Sep 20 to Sep 21, SMS GROUP partnered with Audi to create #AudiSpektrumHK - Audi came ‘Closer than ever’ to Hong Kong and its customers in this mega brand event on the Kai Tak pier with the impressive Hong Kong skyline as a backdrop.

为期4 天的活动总共接待了750 位嘉宾和媒体朋友,其中包括媒体发布会和贵宾接待会和试驾活动。活动期间,出车30 多部,200 多名工作人员参与。香港团队以卓越的策略、创意和执行力让此次活动取得圆满成功,让我们一起来回顾下那些激动人心的时刻。

Moving in & out in only 4 days, managing 750 guests, media-, VIP- and driving-sessions, 30+ vehicles, 200+ staff - our Hong Kong office did an amazing job pulling together striking strategy, cutting-edge creative and a flawless execution. Let’s have an overview of its highlights!

嘉宾们签到完,首先要通过一道激光雨棚隧道体验灵动的“光谱”,才能进入主活动区。为了让嘉宾近距离探索新款车型,本次主展示区与Mingle 区融为一体,会场整体环境既时尚又休闲。

Guests first experienced “Spektrum" live in the space by walking through a canopy of lasers connecting the registration area to the main area. Making customers experience Audi in a new light, the auditorium also double-functioned as a stylish and casual Mingle area.

媒体发布会和贵宾接待会上,奥迪分别发布了Q8 和e-tron 这两款全新车型。聚焦这个“近距离探索”主题,发布会内场汽车通过两个坡道将观众围成一圈,以获得更具动感的展示效果,让品牌更贴近嘉宾们。

Audi unveiled two models entirely new to the Hong Kong market, the Q8 and e-tron, as highlights in the Media and VIP sessions. Adhering to the theme ‘Closer than ever’, the new models circled the audience around the venue via ramps and stages for a more dynamic presentation and bringing the brand closer to the guests.

随之,全新奥迪e-tron 在灯光阵的烘托下终于亮相,让嘉宾们近距离接触奥迪全电动驾驶所创造的尖端科技,开启了其作为豪华车制造商的新纪元。

The new Audi e-tron appeared on the stage in a storm of lasers, inviting the guests to get closer to the cutting-edge fully-electric vehicle created by Audi, starting a new era for the luxury carmaker.

分享完新战略和奥迪全新数码配置,奥迪R8和RS 5 Sportback在舞台上陆续亮相,当大家聚精会神地关注前方主舞台,强性能的奥迪Q8出乎意料,从大家的身后穿过人群,驶入舞台,引来全场兴奋欢呼。其设计师Sebastiano Russo先生给台下的嘉宾介绍了此款车的优势和创新之处。

Following talks about the strategy and the exciting, new digital offerings of Audi, as well as the presentation of the R8 premiere and the Audi RS 5 Sportback, the powerful Q8 appeared to the back of the venue to the surprise of the audience, making its way through the middle of the people. A presentation by the vehicle designer Sebastiano Russo brought the strength of the car and its innovations to the excited crowd.


Several other new models were presented in the experience area, opened after the launch presentation. The full model range was on display here and with excellent catering and drinks, guests were able to get close to the entirety of Audi’s world.

活动还包括试骑和试驾环节(隔天也开放),邀请嘉宾们在维多利亚港旁的码头上试驾新款奥迪e-tron 与其它多款车型,是一段非常难得的体验。嘉宾们很开心,直到很晚才尽兴而散。

The event also included test-ride and test-drive sessions (open also on the following day) and guests were invited to experience the new Audi e-tron together with several other models in a second-to-none test-drive setting on the pier right next to Victoria Harbour, where the audience happily remained until late for an after-party in this unique setting.

SMS GROUP 很荣幸以自身“临场力”为核心,通过一系列的展示,为奥迪创造了一个难得的机会,让客户近距离探索,真正将奥迪与其代表的生活方式完美衔接起来,同时向这座城市传递全新的品牌定义。

SMS GROUP proudly showcased its vision of "The Power of Live", creating a unique opportunity for Hong Kong to get closer than ever and genuinely connect to Audi and its authentic lifestyle and communicating a renewed brand to the city.




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