【虚拟制片】Alan Walker为蔚来日创作的新歌由80six完成虚拟制作(硬件及技术)

项目品牌: 蔚来 NIO

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2022-05-21 09:00 2022-05-21 17:00

项目地点: 线上

项目名称: 【虚拟制片】Alan Walker为蔚来日创作的新歌由80six完成虚拟制作(硬件及技术)

编者:知名DJ Alan Walker在蔚来日NIO Day的现场表演由80six团队完成虚拟制作(硬件及技术),以下全文来自80six的案例分享。




这场由英国、马来西亚和中国的团队共同制作的国际演出,在短短8天的时间内完成了,其目的是为了创造一个符合Alan Walker的颠覆性影像理念的混合现实 "另类宇宙"。

This international tour de force production with teams spanning across the UK, Malaysia and China, came to life in just eight days of production, prompted by a brief that asked to create a mixed reality ‘alternative universe’ in line with  Alan Walker   's disruptive cinematic vision.

这场野心勃勃的xR(Extended Reality扩展现实,包含VR、AR、MR等多种技术)表演在YouTube上获得了超过400万的浏览量,巧妙地将80six领先的扩展现实技术和整合实时技术的经验,与 Super Bonfire (缩写为SBF,是中国大陆知名视觉制作团队,近年也涉及虚拟制片工作)在提供高价值多媒体内容方面的创意天才和disguise的 开创性xR工作流相结合。

The ambitious xR performance boasting more than 4 million YouTube views, skilfully merged 80six's leading extended reality expertise & experience in integrating real-time technologies with Super Bonfire 's creative genius in delivering high-value multimedia content &  disguise’    s ground-breaking xR workflow.

Alan Walker与艺术家Au/ra、 Torine合作,为蔚来日进行现场表演,在超现实主义的3D虚拟场景中演唱了五首歌曲。其中有互动的混合现实元素,如带有AR无人机的翡翠绿行星,印有艺术家标志的冰冷旋转的月亮,以及其他与Alan的节奏同步的空灵图形元素。

Realized in collaboration with artists  Au/ra ( https://www.heyitsaura.com/) and  Torine (https://torineofficial.com/)    for  NIO  day, the live performance features five songs in surrealist 3D virtual sets with interactive mixed reality elements such as emerald planets with AR drones, an icy rotating Moon embossed with the artist’s logo and other ethereal graphic elements synchronized to Alan’s beats.

80six团队在Virtual Production Studios拍摄一天,艺术家们在80six团队迄今为止建造的最大的xR舞台上表演,使用了15米宽的ROE品牌的 Black Marble LED作为地板结构,周围5米高的墙壁由ROE品牌 Black Onyx HDR建造。LED屏幕运行在Brompton Technology和 ROE Evision EV4的图像处理技术之上。

Filmed at Virtual Production Studios by 80six in a single day, the artists performed on the largest xR stage built to date by the 80six team, with a 15m wide ROE Black Marble LED floor structure, and 5m height surrounding walls by ROE Black Onyx HDR. The LED screens run on Brompton Technology and ROE Evision EV4 for image processing.

支持xR工作流程的获奖技术套件由disguise媒体服务器提供:VX4s 和 RX2、虚幻引擎、Notch与光学摄像机跟踪系统 Mo-sys StarTracker和安装SONY Venice摄像机的Technocrane搭配使用。Disguise突破性的虚拟变焦允许放大和缩小每个场景,在一个虚拟空间中拍摄,基本上超出了LED屏幕的物理限制。

The award-winning technology suite supporting the xR workflow was powered by disguise media servers: VX4s and RX2, Unreal Engine, Notch paired with the optical camera tracking system Mo-sys StarTracker and a Technocrane on which the SONY Venice camera was mounted. disguise's ground-breaking virtual zoom allowed to zoom in and out of each scene, shooting in a virtual space largely extended beyond the physical limits of the LED screens.

"这一次,80six团队不仅主导了xR的制作,而且管理了整个制作的端到端流程。在短短8天内完成如此复杂的xR制作,从搭建定制的xR舞台到灯光预演,再到技术排练,这简直是不可思议。但我们的团队因创造独特事物而感到活力十足。我们在斯劳开设Virtual Production Studios是为了支持这些有创造力、有远见的人,他们挑战了我们整合新兴技术和现有技术的方式",80six和 Virtual Production Studios联合创始人兼商业总监Dan Hamill说。

“On this occasion, not only did we lead on the xR production, but 80six managed the entire production end-to-end. It was insane to turn around such a complex xR production in only 8 days, from building a bespoke xR stage to pre-light, and tech rehearsals. However, our team felt energized by the idea of creating something unique. The reason we opened our virtual production studios in Slough is to support such creative visionaries who challenge the way we integrate emerging and existing technologies", Dan Hamill, Co-founder & Commercial Director at 80six & Virtual Production Studios.



NIO Day电音现场:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1j34y167ip




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