2019 爱彼高尔夫大师赛

项目品牌: AudemarsPiguet 爱彼

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2019-08-26 10:00 2019-08-26 22:00

项目地点: 上海 佘山国际高尔夫俱乐部

项目名称: 2019 爱彼高尔夫大师赛

2019 爱彼高尔夫大师赛


上海 佘山国际高尔夫俱乐部


绿茵丰茂,盛夏未央。瑞士高级制表品牌爱彼(Audemars Piguet) 携手ACTIVATION EVENTS SHANGHAI,于上海佘山国际高尔夫俱乐部呈现2019爱彼高尔夫大师赛。

The green is lush, and the summer is young. Audemars Piguet, a legendary Swiss watchmaker, partnered with ACTIVATION EVENTS SHANGHAI to present the Audemars Piguet Golf Masters 2019 at the Shanghai Sheshan International Golf Club.


This year, the Audemars Piguet Golf Masters Tournament was held at the Shanghai Sheshan International Golf Club. As the leading golf course in Asia, the Shanghai Sheshan International Golf Club has taken the event to new exciting levels with its top notch facilities.

爱彼高尔夫家族成员、Youtube最具人气的高尔夫频道「Me and My Golf」创办人皮尔斯ㆍ沃德(Piers Ward)和安迪ㆍ普德曼(Andy Proudman)、明星球手吴奇隆、聂远、邢傲伟、钟汉良与爱彼贵宾亮相果岭,一同优雅挥杆,共襄高球盛事。

Audemars Piguet Golf Club members, founders of the most popular golf channel on Youtube "Me and My Golf" Piers Ward and Andy Proudman, celebrity players Wu Qilong, Nie Yuan, Xing Aowei and Wallace Chung debuted on the green, and delightedly came together to celebrate the event.

◎ 爱彼高尔夫家族成员Piers Ward和Andy Proudman

佩戴CODE 11.59系列亮相2019爱彼高尔夫大师赛。


佩戴CODE 11.59系列亮相2019爱彼高尔夫大师赛。


Whether on the green or in the field of fine watchmaking, it is inseparable from precision and elegance, as well as the beauty of every single gesture and outstanding performance. There is a natural familiarity between golfer and watchmaker, which makes them a sympathetic match. Dedicating their precious time to hone their skills, they are captivated by even the smallest details; and with rigorous self-control, they constantly break through their limits, all while creating extraordinary outcomes.

◎ 爱彼高尔夫家族成员「Me and My Golf」创办人代表与明星球手代表为2019爱彼高尔夫大师赛开球。

大师赛现场,爱彼在2019年全新推出的CODE 11.59系列也一同亮相。这一具有里程碑意义的系列完美诠释了爱彼挑战、独有、无畏、演进的品牌DNA。11.59寓意明天到来的前一刻,时刻保持领先姿态。

At the Masters, Audemars Piguet's new CODE 11.59 series also made its appearance. This landmark series is a flawless manifestation of Audemars Piguet’s DNA: to challenge, own, dare and evolve. 11.59 is the moment before tomorrow begins, and an attitude of always gazing forward.

◎ 爱彼CODE 11.59系列自动上链计时码表

深谙爱彼对工艺的精准把控与对美学的极致追求,ACTIVATION EVENTS为其倾力呈现将「挑战自我,突破极限」的先锋精神与奢华体验高度融合的赛场,让每一位爱彼贵宾在举手投足间,尽显精准优雅。

With an in-depth understanding of Audemars Piguet's precise craftsmanship, along with its ultimate pursuit of aesthetics, ACTIVATION EVENTS SHANGHAI brought to life an innovative luxury experience that encourages the guests to challenge themselves and break limits, while allowing them to hold refinement in their hands.




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