开启璀璨之旅 CHAUMET法式珠宝鉴赏夜


项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2017-04-10 09:00 2017-04-10 17:00

项目地点: 北京 瑰丽酒店

项目名称: 开启璀璨之旅 CHAUMET法式珠宝鉴赏夜



北京 瑰丽酒店




On 10th April, the magical universe of the Maison Chaumet was recreated in Rosewood Beijing; guests discovered the rich culture and virtuosity of the savoir-faire craftsmanship developed over two centuries in step with Parisian culture.

为了向巴黎的历史文化致敬,AUDITOIRE旗下的Luxury Makers携手CHAUMET打造了迷人且丰富多彩的梦幻场景,呈现了CHAUMET瑰丽的珠宝世界。

In order to pay tribute to the history and culture of Paris, Luxury Makers by AUDITOIRE turned the venue into a charming, colorful dreamscape where guests journeyed through Chaumet’s identity.

从孟萨尔(Mansart) 所设计的17世纪古典建筑的瑰宝 – 旺多姆广场,到Le Nôtre所设计兼具法式风格的唯美花园;从印有CHAUMET的法式小雨棚、到仿照位于旺多姆广场的丽兹酒店海明威酒吧打造的CHAUMET酒吧,我们带领宾客进入CHAUMET的世界,体验其独特风采,沉醉于巴黎的浪漫氛围之中。

From the Vendôme Square designed by the Mansart to the Le Nôtre, we immersed guests in 17th century classical architecture. From the French-style garden to the Chaumet canopy and bar, we brought guests into the world of the Maison Chaumet, allowing them to savour an exclusive moment.


They explored the jewelry workshop where expert craftsmen give life to Chaumet’s creations and met the magician-artisans who make Chaumet tiaras.

应邀出席酒会派对的包括一众钟爱珠宝的贵宾,以及多位来自世界各地的影视红星, 其中就包括好莱坞女星克里斯滕·邓斯特,法国影星奥黛丽·塔图,中国影视女演员高圆圆,人气偶像张艺兴,还有香港知名女星钟楚红及日本名模长谷川润。

Chaumet invited hundreds of prestigious guests and celebrities including Kristen Dunst, Audrey Tautou, Yuanyuan Gao, Lay Zhang, Cherie Chung and Jun Hasegawa.


To create further engagement, the guests sat on the bench in front of the blue background and the photographer took photos for them.


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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