卡地亚 Cartier | 「树,树」展览

项目品牌: Cartier 卡地亚

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2021-07-08 09:00 2021-07-15 21:00

项目地点: 上海 当代艺术博物馆

项目名称: 卡地亚 Cartier | 「树,树」展览


Trees exhibition jointly launched by the Foundation Cartier and the Power Station of Art kicked off and a grand opening ceremony was held on July 8.

此次展览汇集了近 30 位来自中国、拉丁美洲、印度、伊朗以及欧洲艺术家涵盖绘画、摄影、影像、装置、手稿等不同形式的 200 余件作品,通过独特的审美认知或科学探索,与树木建立起深刻而亲密的联系。颂扬了人类社会自古以来的重要美学灵感源泉之一 ——「树」之魅力。

The exhibition presents nearly 30 artists from China, Latin America, India, Iran and Europe covering painting, photography, video, installation, manuscript and other forms of more than 200 works. The exhibition celebrates the charm of "trees," one of the important sources of aesthetic inspiration for human society.


The exhibition presents the diverse voices of groups of artists, botanists and philosophers who have developed a deep and intimate connection with trees through their unique aesthetic perceptions or scientific explorations, highlighting the beauty of trees and their biological complexity. This exhibition allows us to re-examine our relationship with trees and learn to see trees as vital members of the symbiotic world.

「树,树」在 2019 年于巴黎卡地亚当代艺术基金会 (展览名称 Nous les Arbres,原中文译名「我们,树」) 进行首展并获得巨大的反响。两年以后的今天,「树,树」展览以全新面貌亮相于上海当代艺术博物馆,展览内容在巴黎展览的基础上进行了新的探索与拓展,并特别收录参展艺术家和思想家的访谈实录与影像再现,调动参观者的多重感官,开启一段全方位的视听之旅。

Trees was first exhibited in 2019 at the Foundation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris (name “Nous les Arbres”) and received a great response. Now, two years later, Trees is presented at the Power Station of Art Shanghai with a new look, exploring and expanding on the Paris exhibition and featuring interviews and video reproductions of the participating artists, engaging the visitor's multiple senses and opening up an all-encompassing audio-visual journey.







ACTIVATION EVENTS 荣幸助力卡地亚,倾心呈现此次展览,揭开树的无尽魅力。

ACTIVATION EVENTS was honored to support Cartier in presenting Trees exhibition, revealing the endless charm of trees.


全文来自 ACTIVATION  微信公众号


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