
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 娱乐及文化

项目日期: 2021-04-26 09:00 2021-04-30 17:00

项目地点: 北京 E9区创新工场

项目名称: “首届国潮文化嘉年华”即将启动(预热)

The 1st China-Chic Creative Carnival to be Opened丨 Unlock the new tricks during Labor’s day 

2021 国潮文化嘉年华,以“青创北京·创意起来”为主题,旨在打造一场用最潮语言讲述中国元素故事的文化活动。活动现场将从古代国潮、近代国潮、现代国潮、当代国潮、未来国潮五个维度传递中国文化腔调。以多种形式,不同玩法, 承包你的听觉、视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉体验。年龄不设限,风格不设限,复兴中国传统文化方式不设限,用最IN的方式做最不设限的国潮! 

The theme of 2021 China-Chic Creative Carnival is “Creative in Beijing, Brands of the world”. The onsite activities will convey the elements of Chinese culture in ancient, modern times, modern, contemporary and future dimensions. In different forms and ways, visitors will get immersed in diverse scenarios with various acoustical, visual, olfactory, gustatory and tactile experiences. There will be no limits for age, style and the way of rejuvenating Chinese traditional culture. Let’s show the freest China-Chic creative in the most IN manner!  



May 1st -5th , 2021 E9 Zone Innovation Works, Chaoyang District, Beijing 


古今辉映 时代碰撞 


A carnival of China-Chic Creative specially designed for players of various preferences Ancient and modern cultures-shining and getting collision with each other Come to enjoy a infinite May Day Holiday 


What we could show you before event: 

十全十美祈福街 Perfect Happiness Blessing Street 

铺满一整条街的祈福灯笼,中国味儿的祈福时刻, 升职加薪,一夜暴富,不加班不秃头 逢考必过,考研上岸,疫情彻底退散…. 希望你们所有的愿望都能够尽早实现 

Blessing kinetic lanterns along the street to create the Chinese atmosphere of blessing, Promotion & pay raise, striking it rich, no extra-hour working, no receding hairline, fail in no exams, the epidemic ending thoroughly… Hope everyone’s wish come true as soon as possible! 


超强战队迎来武林争锋,现场火热开战! 直击格斗赛事,为中国搏击未来喝彩! 

Combative games Competitive teams, onsite combat! Go to watch the fighting games in person, cheer for the future champions of China fighting sports!


有娃的玩家看这里—— 超炫酷儿童卡丁车上线 专业教练 贴心守护 绝对的遛娃嗨玩两不误! 

A chic mode of baby sitting Come here, the players who have to take care of their kids- Cool karting cars for children! Professional coaches, careful accompanying, The best of both worlds for parents: happy hours both for kids and themselves 


当“非遗”走上街头,当记忆中的老地方重现   用传承和坚守的传统手工艺术表达年轻符号 用国潮颜色装点个性生活 

The China-Chic Creative Fair The intangible cultural heritages on the street may remind you of a familiar place in your memory The symbols of young are conveyed by traditional handicraft arts Personalized life is decorated by China-Chic Creative elements


集百家美食,赏无限美味, 国潮可玩更可吃! 饕餮盛宴,匠心烹饪,总有一款美味惊艳你的味蕾 

Chinese Food international flavor Hundreds of delicious foods with diverse flavors China-Chic Creative, impressing you both for fun and food! Your taste buds will be tickled by the gorgeous food from ingenuity cooks

No more Spoilers today-do you think that’s all for China Chic? How could it be!!! No more spoilers and more secrets and surprises left for you The answer will come during May Day Holidays Come on, players of various tastes 

剧透至此——似乎吃喝玩乐都齐活儿了 你以为这些已经是全部了吗? 怎么可能!!! 毕竟是剧透,神秘感和惊喜感还是要拿捏住的 只等五一小长假,各路玩咖一起来 看国潮,玩国潮,赏国潮,品国潮,扬国潮! 

To watch, to play, to appreciate, to taste and to carry forward, China Chic!




Hosted by: The Communist Youth League Beijing Committee 

Organized by: E9 Zone Innovation Works 

Co-organized by: GTS Communications 




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