项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2018-05-11 10:00 2018-05-11 22:00

项目地点: 上海 兴业太古汇

项目名称: DANIEL WELLINGTON2018年度主题体验展




2018年5月11日,瑞典时尚腕表及配饰品牌DANIEL WELLINGTON于上海兴业太古汇,开启题为“MY CLASSIC我的经典”年度主题体验展,嘉宾经由 “时光隧道”,进入此次的经典之旅。

On May 11th, Swedish watch and accessories brand DANIEL WELLINGTON annual event - MY CLASSIC NIGHT OUT was held at Shanghai HKRI Taikoo Hui.

经过六年不断超越,DANIEL WELLINGTON凭借简约、时尚、经典的品牌风格,成为众多时尚人士的选择。当晚与众多品牌好友一起,共同见证了这一具有纪念意义的年度盛会。

Within six years, DANIEL WELLINGTON has become the choice of many fashionistas with its simple and elegant style. The event left an unforgettable memory with all the friends of the house.

新品ROSELYN & BAYSWATER系列亦在此次活动中亮相, 展示区域以红蓝交错的视觉效果,完美诠释新品特征;颠倒的镜面展台区域,呈现DANIEL WELLINGTON秉持经典亦勇于“颠覆”的品牌精神。

The new collection - ROSELYN & BAYSWATER debuted at the event with red and blue interlaced visual effects. An upside-down mirror booth caught attention and interpreted the attitude of the brand as well.

DANIEL WELLINGTON还为嘉宾们准备了皮革表带定制体验,为现场嘉宾创造了独一无二的专属经典时刻。

DANIEL WELLINGTON also prepared customized watch belt for guests to experience its unique craftsmanship and created the exclusive classic moments.

嘉宾亦通过观赏以#MYCLASSIC为主题的沉浸式舞蹈演绎,更深入感受到DANIEL WELLINGTON的本年度主题的寓意。

An immersive performance perfectly presented the annual theme of #MYCLASSIC.

人气偶像Timmy Xu许魏洲来到现场分享了他对经典及时尚的心得。DANIEL WELLINGTON中国执行总裁刘天昊先生分享了品牌发展历程及对#MYCLASSIC年度主题的见解。瑞典驻上海总领事林莉 (Lisette Lindahl)女士来到现场,作为品牌在中国发展的重要见证者,在盛会现场分享了她对品牌衷心的祝愿。

Celebrity Mr. Timmy Xu was invited to the event. Mr. Liu Tianhao, the China Executive President of DANIEL WELLINGTON and Ms. Lisette Lindahl, the Consul General of Swedish Consul General in Shanghai shared their views on the theme of #MYCLASSIC and gave their sincere wishes for the brand.

DANIEL WELLINGTON,令腕表不再只是计时器,更成为个人态度及时尚品味表达方式。APAX在此一同分享DANIEL WELLINGTON的时尚魅力,见证#MYCLASSIC经典时刻。

DANIEL WELLINGTON is no longer just a watch brand but also becomes an expression of personal attitude and fashion trend. APAX is happy to share this #MYCLASSIC moment with all of you.




部分信息来自 APAX 微信公众号内容

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