“引领天下之势 – 女性领导力对话” 峰会

项目品牌: Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2017-06-23 10:00 2017-07-16 22:00

项目地点: 北京 万达索菲特酒店

项目名称: “引领天下之势 – 女性领导力对话” 峰会

引领天下之势 – 女性领导力对话

Defining Leadership Women Summit


北京 万达索菲特酒店

女性,作为一股不可忽视的社会力量,一直不懈地推动着世界的发展,成为时代潮流中的“弄潮儿”。基于对新时代女性的尊敬和景仰,梅赛德斯-奔驰在2015年打造了She’s Mercedes这一专属女性社区。期望来自不同领域的杰出女性,能够在这里遇见志同道合的知己,通过沙龙会谈和社交晚宴的形式交流与沟通,突破自我,共同成长,实现更高的人生价值。

“She’s Mercedes”, the initiative launched by Mercedes-Benz in 2015, is a platform dedicated to inspiring, connecting and empowering women who are driven to make things happen and to realize their full potential.

The power of inspiration can create great things

9月21日,She’s Mercedes 与英国《金融时报》集团联袂呈现“引领天下之势 – 女性领导力对话” 峰会。此次活动在北京万达索菲特酒店举办,有500多位嘉宾前来参加,而且She’s Mercedes邀请了各领域的杰出女性与观众分享了她们对现代女性最关注的话题的各自观点。

On 21st September, She’s Mercedes & the Financial Times present: “Defining Leadership” Women Summit. The event took place in Beijing at Wanda Sofitel Hotel, hosting more than 500 guests. Successful female speakers from different business backgrounds were invited to share with the audience their experiences and insights about the role of women in modern society.

此次峰会旨在探讨杰出女性对社会发展的引领作用,加深当代女性对“女性领导力”的理解,She’s Mercedes 鼓励嘉宾共同分享实现自我价值的观点与经验。每一位独立优雅的女性都渴望遇见志同道合的知已汇聚思想的力量通过沟通与交流发现更与众不同的自已。

The Summit aimed to explore the different business roles of women in the society and to discuss how to achieve equal male-female opportunities in leadership. It created a destination for inspiring conversations, offering new perspectives and supporting ambitions. A place for women to connect, share ideas & experiences, and learn from each other.

▲ 倪 恺Nicholas Speeks


President and CEO of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service

▲ 王 芳Freda WANG


Director, Marketing, Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co., Ltd


Four renowned inspirational women joined the Summit and shared their experiences and their views on what it means to be a strong and independent woman in today’s society from different aspects of life and business.

李亦非 LI Yifei

英仕曼集团中国区主席 / Chairperson of Man Group China

主题:对冲人生 / “Hedge Life”


周忆 Gill ZHOU IBM

副总裁大中华区首席营销官 / Vice President & CMO IBM Greater China Group

主题:拥有非你莫属的职场人生 / “Be Essential in Your Career”


隆雨 LONG Yu

京东首席人力资源官及法律总顾问/ Chief Human Resources Officer and General Counsel of JD.COM

主题:VUCA时代下,女性管理者如何应对挑战?/ “How Do Women Respond To Challenges In The Era of VUCA”


兰迪·扎克伯格 Randi ZUCKERBERG

Zuckerberg Media 创始人兼首席执行官 / Founder and CEO Zuckerberg Media

主题:“Women in Business”



Besides the motivating keynotes, the Summit also hosted a Panel Discussion by 8 notable guests covering topics about women and their roles in business and technology.

►高臻 Zhen GAO

曼达林基金执行合伙人 / Managing Partner, Mandarin Capital Partners

►萧静萍 Annie HSIAO Joylink

卓翕传媒科技首席执行官 / CEO at JoyLink


中国欧盟商会董事会及监事会成员 / Partner, Chiomenti Studio Legale, and Member of Executive Committee and of Supervisory Committee, EUCCC

► 徐颖 Evan XU

乾明天使投资创始合伙人 / Managing Partner, Qian Ming Angel Investment Company

►张延 Tracy ZHANG

英国《金融时报》中文网出版人 / CEO of Financial Times Chinese.com

►顾旻曼 Minman GU

真格基金董事总经理 / Managing Director at ZhenFund

►武超则 Chaoze WU

中信建设证券研究发展部执行总经理 / Executive Director of Research and Development Department & Chief TMT Analyst, CHINA Securities

►支涛 Tao ZHI

云迹科技创始人 / Founder of Yunji Technology

►杨葳 Claire YANG

埃森哲大中华区管理咨询总裁 / Managing Director & Management Consulting Lead, Accenture Greater China

在欢乐的下午茶休息期间,嘉宾不但能够放松交流,共享经验,结识知己,还能在现场拍照留念 。

The guests also had the chance to interact and connect with each other at the different interactive corners and to take a portrait photo shooting.

She’s Mercedes不断邂逅优秀女性,定期举办社交晚宴、沙龙会谈,让各个领域的卓越女性都有机会因此结缘,通过沟通、交流与学习,实现自身的不断突破。She’s Mercedes也构建了让女性朋友与梅赛德斯-奔驰成为知己的平台,让每一位“她”都能够更细致地了解梅赛德斯-奔驰。

She’s Mercedes will continue to create spaces and unforgettable experiences dedicated to women in order to keep supporting the female world and give them more opportunities to be confident and inspire them through their life-paths.


AUDITOIRE is honored to support Mercedes-Benz in the realization of this great initiative entirely dedicated to women. Women have been increasingly playing an irreplaceable role in our society, we are positive that more and more modern women can fight against prejudices, discover their power, find their self, recognize their independence and proudly lead the society’s development.


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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