【Dior】【迪奥】DiorCruise 2021 collection Show

项目品牌: DIOR 迪奥

项目行业: 服装及鞋履

项目日期: 2020-07-22 09:00 2020-07-22 17:00

项目地点: 意大利

项目名称: 【Dior】【迪奥】DiorCruise 2021 collection Show

DiorCruise 2021 collection Show

by MariaGraziaChiuri


意大利 莱切


Le désir est révolutionnaire car il cherche ce qui ne se voit pas;  We rise by lifting others; La différence pour les femmes est des millénaires d'absence de l'histoire;  Be a builder of unguilt… The Italian artist Marinella Senatore chose manifesto phrases that radiate feminist empowerment. Through her work, the activist, who hails from the Salerno region, explores the significance of collective action in sharing, transmitting and questioning history, and breaks down social structures and asymmetries. Her in situ installations sometimes involve poets, dancers and musicians, and are conceived as inclusive performances that reveal the richness of the local cultural fabric.  

欲望是革命性的,因为它寻求看不见的东西;我们通过提升他人而崛起;对妇女的区别在于几千年来缺乏历史;成为一个未经训练的建设者……意大利艺术家玛丽内拉·塞纳托(Marinella Senator)发表了一些宣言,这些宣言赋予了女性权力。这位来自萨勒诺地区的活动家通过她的工作,探索了集体行动在分享、传递和质疑历史方面的意义,打破了社会结构和不对称。她的现场装置有时涉及诗人、舞蹈家和音乐家,被认为是一种包容性的表演,展示了当地丰富的文化结构。

For Dior, she celebrates the art of the Luminarie – captivating architectures that illuminate the streets and palazzos of Lecce, particularly during the town’s festival of patron saints – in collaboration with the ateliers of Fratelli Parisi, a house founded in Puglia in 1876. These designers and “light stylists” dream up virtuoso shapes and graphics in which color and intensity intertwine, creating  striking effects of movement. Transposed onto the collection’s looks through delicate prints and embroideries, these motifs pay homage to the beauty and power of this fascinating region’s traditions. Enhanced by a unique performance choreographed by Sharon Eyal; orchestrated by Paolo Buonvino – who conducts musicians from the Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta and the Notte della Taranta Foundation’s Orchestra Popolare – and punctuated by an unprecedented vocal and piano performance by Giuliano Sangiorgi, this show is an ode to festivity, conviviality and joie de vivre, and to the magical, popular rites perpetuated by Puglia’s inhabitants and artisans.  

对于迪奥来说,她与弗拉泰利·帕里西工作室(Fratelli Parisi)合作制作庆典灯具的艺术品,这是一座迷人的建筑,照亮了Lecce(莱切)的街道和宫殿,特别是在小镇的守护神节期间,这座房子于1876年在普利亚建立。这些设计师和“光造型师”梦想的艺术造型和图形中的颜色和强度交织在一起,创造惊人的运动效果。通过精致的印花和刺绣,这些图案转移到该系列的外观上,向这个迷人地区传统的美丽和力量致敬。由莎朗·艾亚尔编舞的独特表演,由保罗·布翁维诺(Paolo Buonvino)指挥的罗马小交响乐团和塔兰塔圣母基金会的波波拉乐团的音乐家们,再加上朱利亚诺·桑吉奥吉(Giuliano Sangiorgi)史无前例的声乐和钢琴表演,使这场演出更加精彩,是对节日的颂歌,欢乐和欢乐的生活,以及神奇的,流行的仪式所延续的普利亚的居民和工匠。









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