项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 旅游会奖

项目日期: 2020-01-01 01:00 2020-01-01 02:00

项目地点: 线上





完成 Staging Connections的品牌重塑 Completes Rebranding of Staging Connections

达拉斯(2018年7月2日)— 为全球一些最大的酒店和企业客户提供视听(AV),事件技术和生产服务的全球领先提供商Encore Event Technologies今天宣布,Staging Connections已将其名称和品牌与再来一次

DALLAS (July 2, 2018) — Encore Event Technologies, a leading global provider of audiovisual (AV), event technology and production services for some of the world’s largest hotels and corporate clients, announced today that Staging Connections has aligned its name and brand with Encore.  

今年早些时候,Encore宣布将ETG Staging Connections在中国的品牌更名为Encore品牌。在澳大利亚,新西兰和斐济增加了Staging Connections团队,从而完成了品牌重塑过程。  

Earlier this year, Encore announced the rebranding of ETG Staging Connections in China to the Encore brand. The addition of the Staging Connections team in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji completes the rebranding process.  

Staging Connections是该地区内部事件服务,技术和事件舞台服务的领先提供商。成为Encore旗下的一员,将改善公司的演出和活动制作服务,并增强品牌在全球服务活动策划者和高档酒店的竞争优势。 

Staging Connections is the region’s leading provider of in-house event services, technology and event staging services. Becoming aligned under the Encore umbrella will improve the company’s staging and event production service offering and will bolster the brand’s competitive advantage to service event planners and premium hotels worldwide.  

Encore Event Technologies由Freeman Company 拥有,Freeman Company也包括Freeman的投资组合中全球最大的品牌体验公司。  

Encore Event Technologies is owned by The Freeman Company, which also includes Freeman  

Staging Connections的常务董事Tony Chamberlain认为,采用Encore品牌将是未来成功的关键,也是客户的独特优势。“随着我们在整个亚太地区的扩张,我们将继续为我们的合作伙伴和客户网络提供无与伦比的专业知识,优质的服务和全球资源。单一品牌反映了双方的共同价值,将使我们能够真正成为业内最大的视听和活动制作网络之一。不变的是客户所获得的服务质量或交付客户活动的人才团队。” 

Tony Chamberlain, managing director of Staging Connections, believes the adoption of the Encore brand will be key to future success, as well as a distinct advantage for clients. “As we expand throughout the Asia-Pacific region, we will continue to offer our network of partners and clients unmatched expertise, quality services and global resources. A single brand reflects the mutual values of both businesses and will enable us to truly function as one of the largest AV and event production networks within the industry. What won’t change is the quality of service our clients receive, or the talented team who deliver our clients’ events.”  


Encore has grown significantly in Asia with in-house AV services in Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines. The business also has locations throughout the U.S. and Mexico.  

Encore首席执行官Ken Sanders也评论了最近的发展:

Ken Sanders, CEO of Encore, also commented on the recent developments:  

“升级Staging Connections的品牌将为我们的场地合作伙伴和客户提供单一的全球资源,这反映了我们坚定不移地致力于提升其品牌体验的承诺。我们对亚太地区的机遇感到非常兴奋-它代表了我们行业中增长最快的市场,并为我们的客户提供了无与伦比的机会,可通过在全球舞台上的现场活动来建立自己的品牌。”

“The rebranding of Staging Connections will provide our venue partners and clients with a single global resource that reflects our unwavering commitment to elevate their brand experience. We are very excited about the opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region — it represents the fastest-growing market in our industry and creates unmatched opportunities for our customers to build their brands through live events on a global stage.”

桑德斯继续说道:“我们已经与Staging Connections团队合作了很多年,很高兴能够将他们的行业和技术专长,才华横溢的员工以及客户至上的理念带入Encore品牌。”  

Sanders continued, “We have worked with the Staging Connections team for many years and are delighted to be able to bring their industry and technical expertise, talented staff, and customer-first philosophy fully into the Encore brand.”  


The rebranding will not affect day-to-day operations and will serve to enhance the offerings available to existing clients.  



Encore Event Technologies是全球领先的视听,事件技术和生产服务的全球提供商,为全球460多家酒店,度假村和会议中心提供服务。Encore根植于演出和制作服务,可提供全面和创新的视听和演出服务,以满足包括墨西哥在内的整个北美以及整个亚太地区的酒店,酒店赌场和度假村的独特需求,并且是一流的一站式服务,用于活动策划,设计和演出以及制作服务。


Encore Event Technologies is a leading global provider of audiovisual, event technology and production services at over 460 hotels, resorts and convention centers worldwide. With roots in staging and production services, Encore delivers comprehensive and innovative audiovisual and staging services that cater to the unique needs of hotels, hotel-casinos and resorts across North America, including Mexico, and throughout the Asia-Pacific region, and is the premier one-stop shop for event planning, design and staging and production services.  

For more information, visit www.encore.com/us (U.S. site) or follow Encore on social media.  


超过35年的时间,Staging Connections创造了令人难忘的事件。作为活动服务的领导者,他们在新西兰,澳大利亚,斐济和中国提供完整的活动管理解决方案,包括视听服务,样式和主题,布景设计,多媒体内容创建以及数字和社交媒体活动服务。 

Encore Event Technologies is a leading global provider of audiovisual, event technology and production services at over 460 hotels, resorts and convention centers worldwide. With roots in staging and production services, Encore delivers comprehensive and innovative audiovisual and staging services that cater to the unique needs of hotels, hotel-casinos and resorts across North America, including Mexico, and throughout the Asia-Pacific region, and is the premier one-stop shop for event planning, design and staging and production services. 



亚洲的Encore Event Technologies在中国,马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡,韩国,台湾和泰国的许多高档酒店均有提供。北京总部还为许多主要公司客户提供服务,并提供全套活动制作服务,从活动设计和制作管理到视听,技术,视频,创意和数字服务。我们的团队知道如何传达您的信息并提供最有吸引力的事件解决方案。 

Staging Connections has been creating unforgettable events for over 35 years. As a leader in event services, they offer a total event management solution across New Zealand, Australia, Fiji and China, including audiovisual services, styling and theming, set design, multimedia content creation, and digital and social media event services.  


弗里曼公司(Freeman Company)帮助为全球观众建立有意义的联系。它是一家家族企业,由领先的品牌体验公司Freeman组成;基于会场的视听和制作公司Encore Event Technologies;精品活动技术专家Alford Media。我们在全球拥有90多个地点,拥有7,000多名员工,致力于为客户提供最佳体验和业务成果。 


The Freeman Company helps create meaningful connections for global audiences. A family-owned organization, it is comprised of leading brand experience company, Freeman; venue-based audio-visual and production company, Encore Event Technologies; and Alford Media, a boutique event technology specialist. With more than 90 locations globally and over 7,000 employees we are dedicated to delivering the best experiences and business outcomes possible for our clients.

For more information, visit https://www.freeman.com/.






伊利诺伊州希尔勒帕克和德克萨斯州达拉斯- 2019  1月14日–全球活动体验领导者PSAV与Freeman Company今天共同宣布,两家公司已达成PSAV的购买协议,以收购Encore Event Technologies,全球活动技术,舞台和制作服务提供商。PSAV和Encore的合并将加入两家拥有深厚专业知识并共同致力于成为会议行业宝贵的全球合作伙伴的公司。这项交易通过扩大其在整个北美和亚太地区的能力范围,加强了PSAV的“ 联系和启发人们”的使命该交易有望在今年晚些时候完成。交易条款将不予披露。

SCHILLER PARK, IL, and DALLAS,TX – January 14, 2019 – PSAV, a global leader in event experiences, and The Freeman Company, jointly announced today that the companies have entered into a purchase agreement for PSAV to acquire Encore Event Technologies, a global provider of event technology, staging and production services. The combination of PSAV and Encore will join two companies with deep expertise and a shared commitment to be an invaluable global partner for the meeting industry. This transaction reinforces PSAV’s mission of Connecting and Inspiring People by expanding the breadth of its capabilities throughout North America and Asia Pacific. The transaction is expected to be finalized later this year. Terms of the transaction will not be disclosed.  


Encore has a long and distinguished history dedicated to helping create high-impact meetings and live events for the hospitality industry. Encore operates as both an in-house partner to some of the world’s leading resorts, hotels and casinos, as well as a creative production company for clients around the world. 

PSAV首席执行官Mike McIlwain表示:“ Encore是PSAV系列公司的理想合作伙伴,因为它对会议和活动策划者的共同承诺,并坚定地配合我们的宗旨和使命。” PSAV这对PSAV意味着什么,我感到很兴奋,更重要的是我们的客户,因为我们将继续关注更多方式,以在任何活动举行的地方创造令人惊叹的活动体验。”

"Encore is an ideal partner for the PSAV family of companies given its shared commitment to meeting and event planners, and strong alignment with our purpose and mission,” said Mike McIlwain, CEO of PSAV. I am excited about what this means for PSAV, and more importantly our customers, as we continue to focus on more ways to create amazing event experiences wherever an event is held.”  

Freeman公司首席执行官Joe Popolo说:“我们为Encore的每个人,包括我们的FAV Canada业务,在建立世界领先的酒店,活动技术和生产服务业务方面所取得的成功感到非常自豪。” “在Freeman,我们将继续致力于为全球的协会和企业客户提供强大的品牌体验,其中包括我们的视听解决方案。”

"We’re extremely proud of the success everyone at Encore – including our FAV Canada operations – has created in building one of the world’s leading in-house hospitality, event technology and production service businesses,” said Joe Popolo, CEO of The Freeman Company. “At Freeman, we continue our mission to provide powerful brand experiences, which include our audio visual solutions, for association and corporate customers around the world."  

Freeman公司首席开发官Ken Sanders说:“领导和开发Encore并见证其发展是一种荣幸。“我要感谢Encore的每个人都应用他们的工作,技能,奉献精神和创造力来建立这个世界一流的公司,我期待着他们在PSAV的支持下继续繁荣。”

“It has been an honor to lead and develop Encore and to witness its growth,” said Ken Sanders, chief development officer, The Freeman Company. “I want to thank everyone at Encore for applying their work, skills, dedication and creativity to build this world-class company, and I look forward to watching their continued prosperity as part of PSAV.”  

Blackstone私募股权团队的Peter Wallace和David Kestnbaum表示:“我们对我们的投资组合公司PSAV与Encore的合并感到非常兴奋。 Blackstone认为现场活动将持续增长,我们很高兴Encore将带来更多功能来支持活动策划者和场地合作伙伴。”

Peter Wallace and David Kestnbaum of Blackstone’s Private Equity team commented, “We are excited about the combination of our portfolio company, PSAV, with Encore. Blackstone sees continued growth opportunities in live events, and we are pleased that Encore will bring additional capabilities to support event planners and our venue partners.”  

Blackstone房地产团队的Bill Stein补充说:“ PSAV和Encore的结合将进一步增强我们强大的能力,为会议活动策划者和我们的会场合作伙伴提供多种服务,这是我们创建世界一流,多元化的使命的一部分。全球现场活动平台。”

Bill Stein of Blackstone’s Real Estate team added, “The combination of PSAV and Encore will further enhance our strong capabilities to serve meeting event planners and our venue partners across a diverse suite of services as part of our mission of creating a world-class, diversified global live events platform.”  

Simpson Thacher&Bartlett LLP担任PSAV的法律顾问。

JP Morgan担任Freeman and Encore的财务顾问,而Baker McKenzie担任Freeman and Encore的法律顾问。

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP is serving as legal counsel to PSAV.

JP Morgan is serving as financial advisor to Freeman and Encore, and Baker McKenzie is serving as legal counsel to Freeman and Encore.

关于PSAV® About PSAV®


PSAV is a global leader in event experiences, providing creative, production, advanced technology and staging services to help meeting professionals deliver more dynamic and impactful experiences at their meetings, trade shows and events. The team consists of more than 9,000 professionals across 1,500 on-site venue locations and 49 branch offices within the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. It is the trusted partner and on-site provider of choice at leading venues worldwide. PSAV was recently named to the Forbes 2018 America’s Best Employer list. The company is headquartered in Schiller Park, Ill. www.psav.com.  

关于弗里曼公司 About The Freeman Company

Freeman Company帮助为所有类型的全球受众建立有意义的联系。该家族企业由领先的品牌体验公司Freeman组成;视听和制作公司,Encore Event Technologies;以及主要的活动技术专家Alford Media,以大型表演的专业知识和精准度而闻名。在全球拥有90多个地点,并拥有7,000多名员工,他们致力于为客户提供最佳的体验和业务成果-从战略,设计到实施和结果。有关更多信息,请访问http://www.freeman.com/

The Freeman Company helps create meaningful connections for all types of global audiences. The family-owned company is comprised of leading brand experience company, Freeman; audio-visual and production company, Encore Event Technologies; and Alford Media, a premier event technology specialist known for the expertise and precision on large-scale shows. With more than 90 locations globally and 7,000+ employees who are dedicated to delivering the best experiences and business outcomes possible for their clients — from strategy and design to implementation and results. For more information, visit http://www.freeman.com/  

关于Encore Event Technologies About Encore Event Technologies

Encore是视听,事件技术,舞台和制作服务的全球领先提供商。Encore在北美和亚太地区的460多家酒店,赌场,会议中心和度假村中担任内部供应商。Encore Productions是Encore Event Technologies的生产部门,是一家提供全方位服务的创意制作公司,可帮助客户讲述世界各地的故事。有关更多信息,请访问www.encore-us.comwww.encore-anzpac.comwww.freemanav-ca.com

Encore is a leading global provider of audiovisual, event technology, staging and production services. Encore serves as the in-house provider at more than 460 hotels, casinos, conference centers and resorts in North America and Asia Pacific. Encore Productions, the production division of Encore Event Technologies, is a full-service creative production company helping clients tell their stories around the world. For more information, visit www.encore-us.comwww.encore-anzpac.com and www.freemanav-ca.com.  


Leather注:以上信息信息来自这里, https://www.encoreglobal.com/us/news/psav-and-the-freeman-company-announce-purchase-agreement-for-psav-to-acquire-encore-event-technologies  ,全文翻译由Google翻译提供支持  



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