
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 珠宝钟表

项目日期: 2019-07-22 10:00 2019-07-22 22:00

项目地点: 北京 北京国贸

项目名称: FRED北京国贸开业仪式




法国现代珠宝品牌FRED斐登于近日开幕其位于北京国贸商城的全新精品店。当日,ACTIVATION LIQUID精心策划的鸡尾酒派对以光与影的交错,将醉人的南法风情带来京城;盛邀媒体及品牌好友品赏闪耀珠宝之余,亦共同鉴证品牌携手其中国区首位男性代言人 范丞丞开启璀璨新篇章。

FRED recently opened its new boutique in the China World Mall, Beijing. On the day of the event, ACTIVATION LIQUID organized a cocktail party for FRED with the exquisite employment of light and shadow, bringing a mesmerizing summer breeze from the south of France. ACTIVATION LIQUID also had the honor to invite guests to enjoy the dazzling jewels, including Fan Chengcheng, the first male FRED spokesman in China.

China World Boutique Press Preview

在开幕当日下午举办的媒体预览中,ACTIVATION LIQUID为FRED诚邀各地媒体好友前往品鉴FRED全新系列珠宝,并随同作详细介绍。

In the afternoon of the opening day, ACTIVATION LIQUID invited famous media from domestic and abroad to join the press preview in the FRED China World Boutique, who were accompanied by the ACTIVATION LIQUID team for detailed introduction to the latest collection of the brand.



The new boutique sets its main tone in elegant pearly pink along with gentle sea blue, manifesting the shine and femininity of women. With streamlined design, the sleek jewelry showcases guide the guests into this alluring world, while their minimalistic lines recreate the chic vibe of the French Riviera.


In the VIP Lounge and Men's Collection area, the curvy tables are matched with sharply cut square sofas, while the angular bookcases are in tune with quaint cobblestone accessories. Under natural lighting, the lustre of jewelry blends with French elegance to offer a touch of homelike comfort.

△ FRED中国区品牌形象代言人范丞丞


FRED spokesman Fan Chengcheng joined to celebrate the opening of the brand's China World boutique.

△ FRED Ombre Féline 系列珠宝

Cocktail Party at MO BAR

活动当晚,FRED 斐登在北京文华东方酒店的MO BAR举办鸡尾酒派对。在ACTIVATION LIQUID的倾心打造下,白色帆船造型的主舞台仿佛在灯光的辉映中扬帆启程。

On the evening of the opening, FRED held a cocktail party at MO BAR in Mandarin Oriental Beijing. Under the careful creation of ACTIVATION LIQUID, the main stage was designed as a white sailing which seemed to set sail in the waves of lights.

△ 模特身着简约泳衣为来宾展示FRED珠宝魅力

活动上, FRED首席执行官Charles Leung作为全球奢侈品牌首位华人CEO发表讲话,向现场来宾分享品牌理念、设计灵感,以及对品牌未来的期许。

Charles Leung, CEO of FRED and the first global CEO of Asian descent in the European luxury industry, made a speech in the event, sharing the philosophy and inspiration of FRED as well as his expectation to the future of the brand.

△ 范丞丞出席MO BAR鸡尾酒派对



△ 超模夫妇裴蓓·王朱筱寅






Zhang Yicong

Jiang Zaozao

Cao Difei

Mai Mai

Li Junfeng

Simon Gao

Da Mengmeng

当晚,FRED中国区品牌形象代言人范丞丞也应邀参加派对,与ACTIVATION LIQUID及ACTIVATION NODEPLUS盛邀前来的众多嘉宾一同庆祝FRED北京国贸店的开幕,传递品牌对时尚的独特品味及无限追求。

FRED spokesman Fan Chengcheng also attended the cocktail party and celebrated the opening of FRED's new boutique along with many guests invited by ACTIVATION LIQUID and ACTIVATION NODEPLUS, bringing the brand's unique vison and relentless pursuit of fashion to life.


Visit the FRED China World Boutique now to feel the summer breeze from French Riviera.





部分信息来自 ACTIVATION 微信公众号内容

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