法兰克福书展 让世界充满创造力

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 展览展示

项目日期: 2023-02-23 09:00 2023-02-23 17:00

项目地点: 法兰克福

项目名称: 法兰克福书展 让世界充满创造力

法兰克福书展 让世界充满创造力

The Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022 focuses on the theme of 'Translation' and aims to encourage book professionals to translate books into other languages and media, breaking down information barriers, geographical boundaries and cultural differences.

在"Sparkling Creativity"的主题下,优尼团队有幸为西班牙主宾国搭建了色彩斑斓、细节丰富的展台,利用明亮欢快的色彩以及开放式的空间,让参观者在2400㎡的面积上沉浸式感受浓厚的文化氛围。
Under the motto "Sparkling Creativity," the stand inspires visitors across a total of 2,400m² immersive culture space, and the colorful, detailed booth was technically planned and built by our team.




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