GUCCI |「古驰原典」展览

项目品牌: GUCCI 古驰

项目行业: 服装及鞋履

项目日期: 2021-05-28 09:00 2021-05-28 21:00

项目地点: 上海展览中心

项目名称: GUCCI |「古驰原典」展览

5 月 28 日,「古驰原典」展览于上海展览中心对公众揭开其亚洲巡回展首站的神秘面纱。

On 28 May, the Gucci Garden Archetypes exhibition unveiled the first stop of its Asia tour at the Shanghai Exhibition Center to the public .


From the Gucci Garden in Florence to Shanghai, the Gucci Garden Archetypes exhibition creates an immersive world through advanced technology, meticulous craftsmanship and innovative exhibition design. The exhibition, with the theme of revisiting and exploring the poetic adventures of the past six years, spans imagination, narrative and unexpected and ethereal moments, leading visitors into a unique playground of emotion and to continue their journey in the realm of fantasy.

此次展览由 Gucci 携手 Archivio Personale 设计工作室及 ACTIVATION EVENTS 共同呈现,将创作总监兼展览策展人亚力山卓・米开理的设计远景转变为引人入胜的实景空间,倾力呈现 17 个风格各异的奇幻空间。

Presented by Gucci, in collaboration with Archivio Personale Design Studio and ACTIVATION EVENTS, the exhibition transforms the vision of Creative Director and Exhibition Curator Alessandro Michele into a fascinating real-life space, showing 17 fantastical spaces in a variety of styles.

▲时空总控室 Control Room▲好戏登场 Gucci Show Time

首先映入眼帘的是以前卫科技创新置景技术打造的「时空总控室」。多块电子屏幕中包罗万象的影像为随之到来的超现实之旅埋下伏笔,参观者也将感知、探索、体验由品牌往季形象大片启发的展览空间。「好戏登场」展厅以 2019 年春夏广告大片中的活力影像拉开序幕,再现好莱坞星光加持的音乐剧现场,致敬好莱坞黄金时代。

The first of these spaces is the “Control Room”, created by avant-garde technology and innovative scenography. Several electronic screens contain images that set the scene for the following surreal journey. The visitors will perceive, explore and experience exhibition spaces inspired by the past seasonal campaigns of the House. The “Gucci Show Time” gallery opens with vibrant images from the Spring Summer 2019 campaign, recreating a star-studded Hollywood musical and a tribute to the golden age.

▲放马过来 Of Course A Horse

▲舞动灵魂 Soul Scene

「放马过来」展厅运用 2020 年春夏广告中的摆动机械,马尾伴随着步伐轻轻摆动。「舞动灵魂」展厅由金属挂链围绕,光影交织的环形空间引领参观者穿越时空维度闪回 2017 早秋形象大片。

The “Of Course A Horse” gallery uses the swinging machinery from the Spring Summer 2020 campaign, with ponytails gently swaying in time with the pace. Surrounded by metal chains, the “Soul Scene” gallery is a circular space of light and shadow that takes visitors back in time to the Pre-Fall 2017 campaign.

▲ 叛逆心室 Rebellious Romantics

▲ 派对记忆 Come As You Are_RSVP

「叛逆心室」展厅通过呈现柏林 80 年代风格俱乐部盥洗室的景象唤醒 2019 春夏广告大片的记忆,所表现出的躁动气息与受到 2020 早春广告大片启发,具有现代主义别墅储物间的「派对记忆」展厅遥相呼应。

The "Rebellious Romantics" gallery reminds visitors of the Spring Summer 2019 campaign by presenting a view of a club washroom in Berlin's 80s style, with a restless vibe that echoes the "Come As You Are_RSVP" gallery, a modernist villa storage room inspired by the Cruise 2020 campaign.

▲ 花悦仙境 In Bloom

▲异星传奇 Gucci And Beyond 

「花悦仙境」展厅可以欣赏到宁静的都会花园景象,Gucci Bloom 花悦系列香水的气息也在展厅中蔓延。「异星传奇」展厅将外太空奇幻之旅浓缩于博物馆风格的橱窗中,各种生物、外星异形和探索者们共同探索未知旅程。

The “In Bloom” gallery offers a tranquil view of metropolitan garden, with the scent of the Gucci Bloom Perfume Collection. The “Gucci And Beyond” gallery distils the fantasy of outer space into a museum-style diorama, where creatures, aliens and explorer travel around the unknown.

▲酒神舞会 The Dionysus Dance

由多面闪亮镜面打造的「酒神舞会」展厅,通过奇幻手法让参观者与 2016 早春广告形象大片重遇,演绎错视意境,重温浪漫且热烈的意识迷宫。

The “The Dionysus Dance” gallery, created by multiple shimmering mirrors, allows visitors to re-encounter the Cruise 2016 campaign through a fantastical approach, creating a mise-en-scène and revisiting a romantic and passionate labyrinth of consciousness.

▲迷离之夜 Tokyo Lights

▲自我宣颜 Gucci Beauty Network

由数十万闪烁亮片覆盖着的装饰墙面与彰显个性的装饰卡车构成的「迷离之夜」展厅,重塑了 2016 秋冬广告大片。「自我宣颜」展厅通过投影古驰美妆唇膏形象大片,在叛逆且张扬的微笑中展现出不愿墨守成规的态度,绽放属于自己的魅力花火。

The “Tokyo Lights” gallery, covered with hundreds of thousands of glittering sequins and decorated with individual trucks, recreates the Fall Winter 2016 campaign. The “Gucci Beauty Network” gallery projects the image of Gucci Lipstick, showing a rebellious and flamboyant smile and an attitude to break the rules.

▲搜藏之家 Gucci Collectors

▲古驰方舟 Gucci Gothic

▲奇幻乌托邦 Gucci Hallucination

数不胜数的布谷鸟钟、蝴蝶标本和 GG Marmont 系列手袋等收藏摆满了整个「搜藏之家」展厅。走出搜藏室就会来到谱写古驰浪漫末日故事的「古驰方舟」,展厅两侧播放着 2019 早春系列广告片。「奇幻乌托邦」展厅通过西班牙跨领域艺术家 Ignasi Monreal 创作覆盖墙面与墙顶的巨型壁画,重现 2018 春夏形象大片。

The collection of cuckoo clocks, butterfly specimens and GG Marmont handbags are displayed throughout the “Gucci Collectors” gallery. The “Gucci Gothic”, where the story of Gucci's romantic apocalypse is written, is flanked by the Cruise 2019 campaign. The “Gucci Hallucination” gallery recreates the Spring Summer 2018 campaign through a giant mural covering the walls and roof by Spanish multidisciplinary artist Ignasi Monreal.

▲都会漫游者 Urban Romanticism

▲古驰宠儿 The Beloved Show


In the “Urban Romanticism” gallery, visitors can take ride on an Los Angeles subway and return to the origin of their dreams and inner-freedom. Opposite the subway, the “The Beloved Show” is recreated with iconic swivel chairs, interview tables and armchairs for guests, who are the Gucci Beloved handbags.

▲「古驰原典」在线礼品店 Gift Shop


The items in the “Gift Shop”, which offers a selection of exclusive Gucci Garden products like stationary and canvas tote and draws inspiration from nature, are also a must-see stop in the exhibition.


Open the door to Gucci's poetic fantasy, step back in time to an untouched and uninterpreted cultural canon and immerse yourself in a multimedia sensory experience.

展览时间:2021 年 5 月 28 日起至 2021 年 8 月 1 日 
展览地点:上海市延安中路 1000 号上海展览中心东一馆一层 
每日开放时间:10:00-20:00   最晚入场时间:19:00
温馨提示:6 月 22 日因活动安排,将暂停开放一天



出处:GUCCI |「古驰原典」展览 (

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