轩尼诗V.S.O.P 200周年庆典 特别版限量首发

项目品牌: Hennessy 轩尼诗

项目行业: 酒精饮品

项目日期: 2018-08-31 17:00 2018-08-31 22:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: 轩尼诗V.S.O.P 200周年庆典 特别版限量首发


轩尼诗V.S.O.P 200周年庆典


上海 天宴秀场

项目预热 - 微博

轩尼诗V.S.O.P 200周年庆典,致敬品牌经典传承的历史, 开启探讨未来的时空之旅| A transformative journey into the Future of Mastery to celebrate 200 years of Hennessy V.S.O.P

(此活动由AUDITOIRE 团队设计、制作并管理 / designed, produced and managed by AUDITOIRE )


1818年时任威尔士亲王兼摄政王的乔治四世,向轩尼诗家族发出一张订单,预定一款非常上等的陈年淡色(VerySuperior Old Pale)干邑。自此,轩尼诗V.S.O.P以王室用酒身份正式诞生,进而开启200年享誉全球的干邑品牌之路。

Two centuries ago, the future King of England, George IV, a cognac connoisseur, requested an excellent pale cognac eau-de-vie which Hennessy delivered in 1818. The Prince didn’t even know that this “V.S.O.P - Very Superior Old Pale” would pass the test of time, to become a timeless icon.

时至今日,轩尼诗V.S.O.P已经将享誉国际的卓越品质和匠人精神传承整整两个世纪。为了庆祝品牌诞生200周年,特邀200名未来创想家来到现场,与品牌一起回顾过去、探讨未来,共同见证 200 年卓越成就。

Today, this timeless cognac celebrates 200 years of rich heritage and mastery. To commemorate the milestone celebration in China, 200 special guests were taken on an immersive multi-sensory journey starting from the history of Hennessy V.S.O.P, sliding smoothly into modern times, until furthering into the future.


轩尼诗V.S.O.P 200周年特别版,即日起在轩尼诗天猫旗舰店限量首发,以致敬轩尼诗两个世纪以来“继经典、启未来”的先锋之姿。

The occasion also celebrated the sign of the strategic partnership between Mo?t Hennessy and T-mall, in areas including “new retail” initiatives, marketing and communication, and intellectual property.

活动当晚,200名未来创想家穿过轩尼诗V.S.O.P品牌“时光隧道”进入会场,重温 轩尼诗V.S.O.P 的传奇历史。

At the start of their journey, an immersive projection tunnel brought the guests back to 1818, the beginning of an iconic blend that had been passed down two centuries and 8 generations later.

未来创想家们来到“继经典 启未来”沉浸式投影区域,向传统致敬的同时,淋漓尽致的感受着轩尼诗“继经典 启未来”的卓越创新精神。

At the time of entering the Mastery of Hennessy, guests engaged themselves in an immersive digital photo experience.

轩尼诗V.S.O.P 作为全新概念摩登生活的传递者,通过AR技术方式,演绎出其精湛的制酒工艺和干邑制作过程。

Through the support of AR technology, guests discovered the secrets of what makes Hennessy Cognac so very remarkable and unaltered through time. From the art of maturation and ageing process, through the secrets of blending, to the cognac-making process.

未来感十足的“机械臂调酒师”引起所有嘉宾们的瞩目,在轩尼诗专设的鸡尾酒吧台里,这位“机械臂调酒师”用机械手臂夹取玻璃杯、接酒、摇晃、倒酒,一气呵成,不到1分钟时间,就呈现出 轩尼诗V.S.O.P 专属特调鸡尾酒。

The traditional artistry of this eternal cognac met its modern style at the innovative bar, where a robotic arm served special V.S.O.P cocktails.

为了带来更多的沉浸式科技体验感,轩尼诗打造虚拟品鉴专区,通过三维全息技术,让嘉宾们走进真实的轩尼诗世界,感受 轩尼诗V.S.O.P 别有一番的奇妙滋味。

While enjoying the aromatic taste of V.S.O.P drinks, the guests entered an immersive environment where all the other senses were called along to make the tasting experience even more memorable.

200名未来创想家们聚集在一起欣赏着墙上出现的总共 200 张肖像画,随后,通往未来的隧道开启,邀大家共同见证 轩尼诗V.S.O.P 200周年盛典。

All the guests’ portraits, captured at the beginning of the evening, were gathered together in an animated visual projection to ultimately trigger the ‘passage to the future’. SHAPING


A 270° stage screen embraced the audience featuring a captivating futuristic video to unveil the special Hennessy V.S.O.P 200th Anniversary limited edition bottle.


After the reveal moment, two VIP guests together with and the famous Chinese actor Jing Boran inspired the audience by sharing their experience with Hennessy.

活动结束后,轩尼诗特意准备了装有 轩尼诗V.S.O.P 200周年特别版的礼盒,为了礼赞感谢支持轩尼诗品牌成长与发展的在场200位未来创想家。

To make this celebration even more memorable, all the 200 guests were offered a personalized box with the Hennessy V.S.O.P 200th Anniversary limited edition.


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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