【虚拟制片】Jack Morton为r.e.m.beauty制作虚拟场景拍摄

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 护肤

项目日期: 2022-05-14 09:00 2022-05-14 17:00

项目地点: 线上

项目名称: 【虚拟制片】Jack Morton为r.e.m.beauty制作虚拟场景拍摄







从项目开始到落地仅有 10 天时间,我们(JackMorton)面临的挑战是创造和提供一个首要支持短视频Reels内容捕捉的沉浸式体验环境。通过与 Instagram、Ariana Grande(以下称为“A妹”)、SB Projects和Grande的新公司r.e.m beauty 合作,我们(JackMorton)的团队创造了一种将主角、VIP客人和粉丝带到月球的体验。

With only 10 days from engagement to load-in, we were challenged with creating and delivering an immersive experience environment supporting Reels-first content capture. In partnership with Instagram, Ariana Grande, SB Projects and Grande’s new venture r.e.m. beauty, our team created an experience that transported principal talent, VIPs and fans to the moon.

Instagram邀请并接待了 36 位时尚、美妆和音乐创作者、编辑、Ariana的朋友和家人,亲身体验品牌的实体表现。

Instagram invited and hosted 36 fashion, beauty and music creators, editors, Ariana’s friends and family to experience the physical brand manifestation in-person.

利用A妹现有的社交网络,确保优质的Reels内容满足她的期望,并真实地宣传品牌。我们(JackMorton)为她的所有粉丝们创造了一种包容性的体验,无论是在现场还是在线上,通过建立AR过滤器,激发粉丝们参与互动的能力,并利用Meta FoAS制作,向观众们发出 “bring them within”(代入) 的邀请。

Leveraging Ariana’s existing network ensured premium Reels content that met her expectations and promoted the brand authentically. We created an inclusive experience for all her fans, whether in person or virtual, by building an AR filter that not only inspired engagement and an ability to contribute, but utilized a Meta FoAS product and extended an invitation to her audience to “bring them within”.

为了创造一个真正身临其境、令人惊叹的环境,我们(JackMorton)采用了出现过的社交信息--以 60 年代的太空外观为特色。想一想:芭芭拉带着口红枪。

To create a truly immersive, awe-inspiring environment, we leaned into the existing social campaign which featured a 60’s inspired space look. Think: Barbarella with a lipstick gun.

结果如何?我们(JackMorton)创造了一个昏暗的、水银色的太阳环境,将受 r.e.m. beauty产品启发的元素带入生活,结合既定的体验原则与现代数字优先目标,将内容创作和分散的线上观众体验放在首位。

The result? We created a dim, mercurial solar environment that brought to life elements inspired by r.e.m. beauty products and blended established experiential principles with modern digital-first objectives that keep content creation and digitally-dispersed audiences front of mind.


这次活动发布在短视频Reels,获得25K+ IG滤镜推文、73M次曝光 (@arianagrande In-Feed)、108M次曝光 (@arianagrande Story),在 Meta 平台上使用标签发布超过 4K 条内容。

The launch using Reels generated, 25K+ IG Filter Posts, 73M Impressions (@arianagrande In-Feed), 108M Impressions (@arianagrande Story) and over 4K pieces of content posted using the hashtag across Meta platforms.

关于Ariana Grande,


关于r.e.m. beauty,

Ariana Grande创立的美妆品牌,r.e.m. beauty是Ariana Grande与美国知名彩妆品牌Morphe 的母公司 Forma Brands LLC 合作生产制作运营。





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