
项目品牌: Kawasaki 川崎

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2019-07-18 09:00 2019-07-21 17:00

项目地点: 台湾 新北市工商展览中心

项目名称: 川崎摩托台湾机车展



台湾 新北市工商展览中心


7月21日,为期四天的2019中国台湾国际重型机车展在新北市工商展览中心圆满闭幕。无论从参展质量还是厂家数量上来看,都是一届受业内瞩目的摩托车展。SMS GROUP台北团队此次为川崎摩托提供一站式展台营销服务,包括展台创意企划、展台设计、展台搭建和运营执行等。

On July 21, the four-day ‘Taiwan Motorcycle Show 2019’concluded successfully at New Taipei City Exhibition Center. The exhibition is renowned in the motorcycle industry in consideration of the quality and number of exhibitors. SMS GROUP’s Taipei team provided one-stop marketing services for Kawasaki, including strategy, booth design, construction and operations.

首先,就展台的整体设计感,应品牌年轻化,SMS GROUP做了许多大胆但是却很吸睛的突破。承袭川崎摩托一贯的大器品牌基调和六角形这个关键品牌视觉设计元素,品牌方想要呈现年轻活泼的运动风格。

SMS GROUP made bold and eye-catching breakthroughs in terms of the overall booth design, which aimed to show the brand in a young and vivid manner. In line with Kawasaki's brand tonality and hexagonal design elements, the brand wanted to be displayed in a young, passionate and sporty style.


When planning functions of the booth areas, in order to highlight the diversity and story of the brand, an unusual island design was adopted, creating three different scenarios (Speed Circuit, Café Racer, City Streets) arond the booth. The audience was free to choose their environment based on their riding preferences and style. In order to attract more attention and create excitement, the booth design also adopted a two-story design, stacking containers. Every corner of the booth communicated Kawasaki’s brand attitude in a highly visible manner.

7月18日的媒体日上,川崎摩托正式发布了最新款2019 ZX-10R。亮相仪式前展台两边LED显示屏上同时播放了SMS GROUP制作的车型视频;伴随着活力四射的啦啦队进场,时尚动感的舞姿与舞台中央的最新款2019 ZX-10R交相呼应。

On July 18, Kawasaki officially unveiled its newest model, the 2019 ZX-10R to the media on the booth. For the unveiling ceremony, SMS GROUP created video contents to be displayed on the LED screens on both sides of the booth. A dynamic dance by a cheerleader troupe brought out the 2019 ZX-10R onto the central stage.


During the public days, the brand scheduled daily stage performances: Disrupting the motorcycle show with dynamic music, we created a daily party with a DJ playing to the audiences from the 2nd floor, creating memorable experience for visitors.

为了活跃现场气氛,SMS GROUP联合激浪、奈斯派索额外设计了多项聚众活动,比如观众可以通过扫描二维码并用 #Kawasaki及 #Choose My Way主题标签自己的照片分享到脸谱网或Instagram即可获取奈斯派索胶囊咖啡。

To activate the atmosphere, SMS GROUP partnered with Mountain Dew and Nespresso for activations around the booth. For instance, visitors who scanned the QR Code and hashtagged #Kawasaki and #Choose My Way when sharing via Facebook or Intagram would receive a Nespresso coffee.

SMS GROUP很荣幸继去年之后再度与川崎摩托合作本届台湾国际重型机车展。聚焦“崎你的路 无需妥协”这个主题,成功地通过此届车展绝好的品牌展示机会来诠释品牌态度,一扫品牌给大众的既有印象,树立更为立体的年轻化品牌形象。把川崎摩托的品牌行销面极大化,创造长期的传播效益。在展台里打造一个非传统的现场体验,将机车展的观众与品牌之间的熟悉和互动推向一个新高度。

SMS GROUP was proudly working with Kawasaki again on the ‘Taiwan Motorcycle Show 2019’. Focusing activities around the theme "Choose Your Way ", we communicated the brand's attitude throughout the trade show and established a younger brand image with audiences. Building an unconventional live experience within the booth created a high level of awareness and brand engagement with the visitors of the motorcycle show.




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