LANCÔME 非凡之旅 香港


项目行业: 护肤

项目日期: 2019-04-17 10:00 2019-04-17 22:00

项目地点: 香港 尖沙咀海港城海运大厦露天广场

项目名称: LANCÔME 非凡之旅 香港

LANCÔME 非凡之旅 香港



今年4月,LANCÔME为展现品牌的非凡理念,同时分享品牌的 ExtraÔrdinary Moments,首次将浪漫迷人的巴黎大街带来香港。ACTIVATION EVENTS将尖沙咀海港城海运大厦露天广场幻化为Avenue Ô,让大众一同体验法国的浪漫气息与巴黎的非凡魅力。


This April, to showcase the brand’s extraordinary ethos and share its ExtraÔrdinary Moments, LANCÔME has brought the enchanting and romantic Parisian Street to Hong Kong for the first time ever. ACTIVATION EVENTS transformed the Ocean Terminal Forecourt at Harbour City into Avenue Ô, spreading French romance and Paris’ ravishing charm all over the place.

「先来一同欣赏本次活动的各色精彩Moments ✨」

Avenue Ô

LANCÔME Avenue Ô以法国建筑风格贯彻场内每个细节。大街两旁设有以粉色作主调,及以玫瑰作装饰的花店、咖啡店等,充满法式情怀。活动期间,两旁商店会于指定时间营业,免费提供牛角包、 玫瑰茶、即场肖像画绘画等不同的非凡体验。参观法国大街的来宾不仅能够尽享法式美点,更可参与独特的活动,犹如置身巴黎街头;而透过大街店铺的窗户,你更可远眺香港天际线,感受香港与法国融合的独特体验。


The LANCÔME Avenue Ô is replete with French architectural details. Alongside the street lies a string of florists, cafes and shops adorned with a pinkish tone and roses to conjure an opulent French vibe. For a limited time span during the event, these shops opened to provide splendid experiences such as free croissants, rose tea and portrait sketches. Not only can visitors indulge in French refreshments, they can also join special activities that will transport them to the streets of Paris. Through the windows of the shops, you can admire the skyline of Hong Kong, and immerse yourself in the magical world that captures the best of both Paris and Hong Kong.

Avenue Ô大街中央的玫瑰花丛上,放置了 LANCÔME 标志性粉红 Ô 字艺术雕塑,更是不可错过的打卡热点。而大街的尽头是法国标志性的 Parisian Maison 建筑。


The centrepiece of Avenue Ô is a bush of roses accompanied by an iconic Ô sculpture in pink, which offers a perfect backdrop for viral selfies. An iconic French Parisian Maison graces the end of the road.

建筑前更设有「微笑启动机」,客人只需于镜头前展现笑容,成功被电脑识别出笑脸的参加者即可获得 LANCÔME 香水试用装一份,与大众一同分享快乐与微笑。另外,客人只需在场内拍摄照片,上载到个人社交平台并Hashtag #lancomehk及#LancomeODay,即可获赠LANCÔME 联名高级糖果品牌 Sugarfina 制作的 ExtraÔrdinary玫瑰软糖一份。


In front of the maison is a ‘smile launcher’, where visitors receive a free sample of LANCÔME parfums with a smile that is captured and identified by the built-in camera, spreading happiness and smile around. In addition, visitors can receive a pack of rose flavoured ExtraÔrdinary gummies by LANCÔME x Sugarfina simply by taking a picture on-site and uploading it onto social media with the hashtags #lancomehk and #LancomeODay.

活动现场更有郭富城、袁咏仪、维密天使Taylor Hill等一众明星嘉宾助阵,共同体验法国的浪漫气息与巴黎的非凡魅力。


Aaron Kwok, Anita Yuen and Victoria's Secret Angel Taylor Hill were invited to attend the event and experience the romantic French vibe and the Parisian charisma.

而4月16日当晚,唯美盛大Gala Diner亦于海运大厦观景台举办。锦食繁花,玉液金樽,辉映维港璀璨灯火,尽显LANCÔME奢华魅力。


On the night of 16 April, a grand Gala Dinner was held on the Ocean Terminal Deck. The exquisite delicacy and gleaming cutleries created a dreamy reflection to the radiant Victoria Harbour, bringing out the luxurious glamour of LANCÔME.

Aqua Luna

此外,Avenue Ô大街旁的维多利亚港上更有一艘巴黎玫瑰帆船于海中摇曳。ACTIVATION EVENTS以玫瑰花与粉红色调装潢此艘特别为活动而设计的帆船,将香港经典帆船巧妙变身成为 LANCÔME Aqua Luna 法式帆船,糅合现代与古典的魅力,与品牌优雅的形象互相呼应,展现非凡的法国浪漫气息与魅力。


Moreover, a Parisian rose boat floated on the Victoria Harbour near Avenue Ô during the event. The boat, designed exclusively for the event by ACTIVATION EVENTS, is embellished with roses and pinkish décor, turning the city’s iconic vessel into the LANCÔME Aqua Luna French boat. Modern and classical essences are combined to express the brand’s elegance and the ravishing French romantic charm.


为延续露天广场的法式旅程,LANCÔME 于海运大厦大堂入口筑起了同样充满法式情怀的 POP-UP STORE,让顾客在漫天花瓣的沉醉中选购心仪产品。


Following the enchanting Avenue Ô at the Forecourt, the next stop in this romantic French journey is the POP-UP STORE that oozes a unanimous French charm. Set up at the main entrance of the Ocean Terminal, the POP-UP STORE offers a gratifying scene with swirling rose petals, which allows customers to indulge themselves while picking up their favorite LANCÔME products.



愿下一ExtraÔrdinary Moment再相会





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