
项目品牌: L’Oreal Paris 欧莱雅巴黎

项目行业: 护肤

项目日期: 2021-03-27 14:00 2021-03-27 19:00

项目地点: 北京

项目名称: 欧莱雅男士氨基酸洗面奶发布会


As the preferred brand of skin care for men, L'ORÉAL MEN EXPERT has always focused on research with a professional attitude, constantly seeking innovation, creating various skin care products, and bringing consumers a higher level of skin care experience.

2021年03月27日,欧莱雅男士在北京举办了一场主题为 「硬核也温和」 的全新产品 “欧莱雅男士氨基酸洗面奶” 发布会。

Last weekend, L'ORÉAL MEN EXPERT held a launch event in Beijing for the brand's new product "L'ORÉAL MEN Amino Acid Face Cleanser" with the theme " Hardcore and mild" .

通过构建酷炫场景,打造 沉浸体验 ,在光与线条的交错间,为当晚嘉宾,开启了一场充满 科技感、未来感 的发布会。

By bringing an exciting multi-stage event to life, AUDITOIRE teamed up with L'ORÉAL to create an immersive experience with futuristic touch .

作为交个朋友首席好物推荐官,罗永浩出席当晚活动,并秒变温和为该款产品站台。更表达了自己一直秉持的 “硬核面对人生的困难,温和面对困难的人生” 的生活理念。

As the chief recommendation officer for the e-commerce live broadcast platform "Making Friends", Luo Yonghao attended the event at that night and expressed his life philosophy of " BEING HARDCORE when facing the difficulties in your life, but BEING MILD to face the difficult life" .


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