
项目品牌: L’Oreal Paris 欧莱雅巴黎

项目行业: 护肤

项目日期: 2021-04-06 17:00 2021-04-06 19:00

项目地点: 上海 TAXX

项目名称: 欧莱雅高能太空霜速递上新·小黑盒新品发布会


Trying to get rid of dull skin but still can't resist staying up late? L'Oréal released new version of RevitaLift Filler Ampoule In Cream, hydrating and anti-aging, perfect for "late night" dull skin.




Auditoire X L'Oréal transformed the launch event into a space travel. With stardust as its main backdrop, purple / silver as its main color theme,  the launch party is held in a futuristic setting. The moment guests step into TAXX, they are guaranteed a sci-fi experience with space capsule, galaxy travel elevator and lasercrossing staircase.

现场以ACS舞蹈厂牌的炫酷街舞开场, 随后皮肤科专家解码肌肤衰老元凶,揭秘太空霜的主要保湿和抗老成分, 并邀请到欧莱雅心动代言人虞书欣分享自己的“朋克养生”秘籍。

The event started with a fiery, dynamic dance from ACS, followed by a dermatologist analyzing different hydrating and anti-aging ingredients inside the new version of RevitaLift Filler Ampoule In Cream. We also invited Yu Shuxin, the brand ambassador to share her own secrets for flawless skin despite her busy schedule.

熬夜养肤时代已开启! 一瓶太空霜在手,击退深夜颜值焦虑。你,准备好了吗?

It is now the end of "late night skincare" era!  With one box of RevitaLift Filler Ampoule in Cream in your hands, no more aging anxiety !





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