2020 梅赛德斯-AMG无界征途

项目品牌: Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2020-12-16 09:00 2020-12-29 17:00

项目地点: 长白山

项目名称: 2020 梅赛德斯-AMG无界征途

12月16日-29日,梅赛德斯-AMG 2020「驭非凡·敬传奇」无界征途活动于长白山成功举办。

The Mercedes-AMG "Drive the Extraordinary and Honor the Legend" event was successful held on Changbai Mountain from December 16th to December 29th, 2020.


Mercedes-AMG invited a total of 240 car owners and media to explore the vast and pristine forests, crisscross valleys and cliffs, and to witness the majestic waterfalls and lakes at 41 degrees north latitude known as the "Golden Powder Snow Belt of the World" on Changbai Mountain. Allowing car owners to experience the vast majesty and wonder of human ecology .

ACTIVATION EVENTS以「无界」的新颖理念打造梅赛德斯-迈巴赫 S680 普尔曼品鉴之所——一室两界。一界源于火名为「臻暖阁」,一界源于冰名为「御冰室」,在冰火碰撞融合中体现Maybach Pullman对追求臻享品质的热忱。

ACTIVATION EVENTS created the Mercedes-Maybach S680 Pullman appreciation house based on the novel concept of "Borderless"- one space and two worlds.  One world which originates from fire called "ZhenNuanGe" and the other one from ice called "YuBingShi". This ingenious collision of ice and fire reflected Maybach Pullman's passion and tireless pursuit of quality.

ACTIVATION EVENTS荣幸再次携手梅赛德斯-AMG,独家打造此次冰雪试驾体验活动,守护传奇,驾驭非凡。

ACTIVATION EVENTS was honored to once again join hands with Mercedes-AMG to create this exclusive ice and snow test drive event that stayed true the legend and the extraordinary driving force.




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