OPPO R17新品发布会

项目品牌: oppo

项目行业: IT及通讯

项目日期: 2018-08-23 18:00 2018-08-23 21:00

项目地点: 上海 上生新所

项目名称: OPPO R17新品发布会

OPPO R17新品发布会


上海 上生新所





8月23日晚,OPPO在上海上生新所为其新推出的OPPO R17系列举行了盛大的新品发布会。

OPPO launched their latest OPPO R17 collection with much pomp and pageantry at Shanghai Columbia Circle on the night of 23rd August 2018.


The event, consisting of three parts, included an interactive exhibition area, the main product launch area, and a uniquely memorable after party area. Surreal hues of blue and purple were literally seen everywhere, this being the dominant colorscope of this night, creating a mystical magic in the air.


Exhibition Area


At the Phantom Gallery, reflection and deflection of light effects with a multitude of mirrors, created a vast illusion that gave extension to the contained space


Light and Shadow—Composed of mobile phone cases, with lighting, refracted color and filled the space with even more color tones

能量呼吸—数百个球组成了这个体验区里有两台充电桩,一个是Vooc,另一个是Super Vooc,把手机放到Super Vooc上,灯泡们仅需5秒时间点亮,而Vooc则需要10秒

Quick Charge Area—two charging stations -one with lightning fast charger VOOC; and another Super VOOC, would light up connected a bulb display within 5 seconds when guests placed the OPPO R17 at these Super VOOC Station


A star attraction was the 3D Photo Area—where the statue of Venus and David were placed in this area with 360-degree lights. They could then receive actual virtual 360 * avatars of these statues!


At Touch—when guests selected a color of their preferred phone case, the corresponding color will be displayed on silky flowing fabric


Shimmer Story—full of abstract color visuals, guests can further experience the beauty of OPPO R17 collection with color matching effects

OPPO Art Club—每一个新品的陈列都结合功能进行了艺术化设计,陈列区被打造成了艺术俱乐部

At OPPO Art Club—the new products are showcased to show off the best design aesthetics -Into works of art


New Product Launch Area


Assistant Vice President, Marketing Director of Greater China Region, Brian Shen finally gave the guests a detailed insight to the amazing world of OPPO R17 & R17 Pro with amazing video graphics and Hi-tech Information that simply wowed the audience!


After Party

相信大家对前几天在深圳举办的OPPO预热活动“极光之夜”还记忆犹新,这次,OPPO携手APAX把极光带来了上海!发布会后的派对区上演了一场绝美的极光秀,嘉宾们纷纷用OPPO R17新品在五光十色的灯光秀中拍照,留住了夜的美。

The recent newsworthy pre-publicity "Aurora Night” stunt in Shenzhen was given a 2nd life when this spellbinding beacon of beautiful iridescent waves a made an appearance in Shanghai on his night! After product launch, the giant LED Wall in the presentation room split into 2 to reveal a tunnel corridor that led the guests to the next space, this fantastic aurora show was going on in the after party area hovering above a sensuous swimming pool with floating OPPO sign, guests mingled freely around this pool passage enjoying the snacks and drinks and more display.

APAX很荣幸再一次携手OPPO为大家呈现这一奇妙梦幻之夜,OPPO R17系列手机展览将持续到8月26日, 点击“阅读原文”,提前了解展览细节。

APAX is thrilled to be able to create this fantasy night for OPPO, we aspire to create the next wave for our clients.

This exhibition is open to public until August 26th, click "read more" to get more information.




部分信息来自 APAX 微信公众号内容

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