项目品牌: POLA

项目行业: 化工及材料

项目日期: 2019-03-21 09:00 2019-03-23 21:00

项目地点: 香港

项目名称: POLA ART GALLERY 光影艺术展

3月21 - 23日, POLA再次携手SMS GROUP,打造香港POLA ART GALLERY光影艺术展,推出全新升级「B.A TABLET 抗糖丸」及「B.A LIQUID 抗糖口服液。此次活动以光影艺术展示「根本」美的关键,为观众带来「看得见‧可品尝」的艺术养分,透过前所未有的视觉和味觉盛宴,体验POLA「根本」美的独有的美学态度。 

From March 21 to March 23, POLA opened doors to the second installment of the “POLA Art Gallery” in Hong Kong. Launching the upgraded formula of “B.A Tablet” and “B.A Liquid”, POLA yet again decided on the format exclusively created for the brand by SMS GROUP. Interpreting the “key” of true beauty, POLA was exhibiting “Visible &Edible” art pieces, guiding the invited guests and the media to experience an unconventional “feast” – for the eyes and the palate - in innovative installations, as well as POLA’s unique sense of art. 

首先,参观者经过POLA的90年时光长廊,揭示POLA对美的追求及科研成就, 以及品牌的核心价值:「Science科学‧Art艺术‧Love爱」。 

Visitors of the gallery first passed through a hallway dedicated to POLA’s 90-Year Heritage, elaborating on POLA’s pursuit of beauty, technological achievements and the brand’s core philosophy “Science ‧Art ‧Love”. 


Absolute highlight of the gallery was the “Digital Light Journey”. In line with their newly released edibles, POLA had prepared an audiovisual feast that led audiences to appreciate the beauty of nature and inspired visitors to contemplate the importance of nutrition as a “root of beauty”.  

SMS GROUP旨在透过这一次与美的深层对话,一次令人难忘的体验,向您传递POLA B.A的信念:真正的美丽源自健康强壮的「根基」。 

Echoing POLA B.A’s belief “True beauty originates from a strong and healthy root’” SMS GROUP provided a deep and beautiful experiential storytelling that left guests mesmerized.



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