劳斯莱斯魅影Black Badge“黑色派对”

项目品牌: ROLLS ROYCE 劳斯莱斯

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2016-07-16 17:00 2016-07-16 22:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: 劳斯莱斯魅影Black Badge“黑色派对”

劳斯莱斯魅影Black Badge“黑色派对”



项目传播 - 微博



Have you ever imagined an irresistible world where the night is only a beginning and the unexpected can happen at any time? A world where you are free to unleash your darkest and most provocative desires?

劳斯莱斯带你走进这样一个迷醉的世界。此次派对上,劳斯莱斯家族最强大的新成员,魅影Black Badge隆重登场,黑色气场全开,带你领略更加极致的奢华。在这样一个充满黑色诱惑的夜晚,我们很高兴能与劳斯莱斯合作,引领来宾们在黑暗中发掘自己最不羁的灵魂。

Rolls-Royce brings this intoxicating world of indulgence to you. The party of the most powerful Rolls-Royce ever, the Wraith Black Badge is a new, darker incarnation of luxury. In a seductive evening, we were delighted to work with Rolls-Royce for the party of the Wraith Black Badge. Our guests stepped into the darkness, and discovered what happened when they embraced their boldest side.


Through a secret entrance, guests immersed themselves in a dark corridor, a sensorial path combining sounds and lighting designed to embrace the spirit of the night. Leading to the darkest of worlds, renowned magician DMC surprised and entertained guests with innovative magic as exotic beauties and paparazzi roamed.

夸张的音效、视觉和光影特效烘托出了一个极具诱惑的黑色世界,而劳斯莱斯魅影Black Badge的登场则让人了解黑夜的真实。随着惊人的读心表演,专业的拍摄环节,派对升温,黑色弥漫。Casino开幕,迷幻的人鱼秀伴随妖娆而魅惑的舞者登场,如此诱人的夜晚,无尽继续。

The reveal of the Rolls-Royce Wraith Black Badge incarnated the essence of the night, where dramatic audio visuals and effects build up to the moment. Followed by an impressive mind reading show and professional photo opportunities, the night continued in an endless array of open casino experiences, dancers and hypnotic mermaid performances.


As the winners of the casino games were announced, the evening gradually came to a close. The party unveiled a darker elegance for the fearless and a seductive, tantalizing world for the brave.




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