2019 斯柯达品牌日

项目品牌: SKODA 斯柯达

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2019-04-14 09:00 2019-04-14 17:00

项目地点: 上海 云创空间

项目名称: 2019 斯柯达品牌日

2019  斯柯达品牌日


上海  云创空间



4月14日, 在上海车展开幕前夕,斯柯达在上海的静安新业坊-云创空间举办了其品牌日活动。在活动中斯柯达带来了全新的全电动VISION iV概念车和两轮电动概念车克莱门特,与之共同亮相的还有柯迪亚克GT,展现了斯柯达对电动未来的展望与信心。

On April 14, SKODA held its brand day at Innovation Galaxy Park in Shanghai just before the start of the Auto Shanghai. ŠKODA unveiled its new all-electric concept car, VISION iV and two-wheeled electric bike concept called KLEMENT, along with the KODIAQ GT, which signified SKODA’s forward-looking stance and confidence in electric future.

SMS GROUP鉴于斯柯达想通过本次品牌日活动表达斯柯达以人为本的技术核心,为其创建了一个充满后现代主义风格兼具前卫未来感的发布会现场,以凸显品牌充满科技感的气质同时彰显其感性的设计语言,整体格调简洁不失华丽,以突显其新款概念车的身份。

SKODA aiming for a unique expression of its human-centric technology during their Brand Day, SMS GROUP created a distinct post-modern atmosphere for this event, reflecting the brand tonality and a sense of science and future in its design language. The choice of venue combined with a simple but clever layout was highlighting its advanced mobility concept.

嘉宾们进场后,首先映入眼帘的是斯柯达的柯迪亚克GT展示区,可以近距离欣赏柯迪亚克GT这款新车型。这个展示区采用斯柯达品牌特有的水晶设计元素和捷克立体主义概念,以达到一个千变万化如同万花筒的灵动效果, 从而加深嘉宾们的印象,突显出其动感属性。

After the invited guests registered, they encountered a media art installation in which they were able to take a close look at the new KODIAQ GT. SKODA’s crystalline design elements with an hints of Czech cubism were adapted in this exhibition area to create a kaleidoscopic effect, which deepened the impression of this exciting new model, highlighting its dynamic characteristics.


Meanwhile, before the official launch, guests were invited to play a ‘Better Life’ themed interactive game on interactive touchscreen devices under the huge 360-degree screen surrounding the room that displayed the crystalline patterns of mountains, Shanghai and Czech buildings as a dynamic background to deliver the brand message that SKODA aimed to provide clever solutions for a better life.


‘Better Life’ Themed Interactive Game


接着,上汽大众汽车有限公司销售与市场执行副总经理兼上海上汽大众汽车销售有限公司总经理贾鸣镝先生宣布斯柯达的概念版SUV车型VISION GT将于今年年底亮相。

Dr. Ralf Hanschen, President of SKODA China, started by introducing the KODIAQ GT during the official launch. China is the Czech carmaker’s most important market worldwide and drives the company to develop an advanced stance in mobility, connectivity and creative innovation. Dr. Ralf Hanschen also announced the establishment of a new innovation center in China, SKODA AUTO DigiLab China as an important step for SKODA in strengthening its digital strategy and enhancing its digital development capabilities.

Mr. Jia Mingdi, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing of SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. President of SAIC Volkswagen Sales Co., Ltd., then announced the concept SUV called the VISION GT to be unveiled towards the end of the year.


Dr. Ralf Hanschen President SKODA China

贾鸣镝先生 上汽大众汽车有限公司销售与市场执行副总经理


Mr. Jia Mingdi Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing of SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co.,

Ltd. President of SAIC Volkswagen Sales Co., Ltd.


Mr. Bernhard Maier, Chairman of the Board of Management SKODA AUTO, initiated his speech by riding onto stage on a KLEMENT, a concept for a two-wheeled electric bike. He emphasized that SKODA as a carmaker with a special affinity towards bicycles was showcasing its vision for the future of micromobility to embody a sustainable, modern and environmentally friendly lifestyle, which allowed the SKODA brand to further appeal to a younger generation with a heightened sense of environmental awareness.


Mr. Bernhard Maier Chairman of the Board of Management, SKODA AUTO

品牌日当天发布会Vison iV的发车环节也很别出心裁。舞者手持几盏LED照明灯球,如同夜幕里的星光,勾勒出多种形状,同时屏幕上依次出现不同的品牌主题。接下来的发车环节将现场氛围推向了高潮,观众们看到巨幕上出现Vison iV车型线条,巨幕下Vision iV的前灯突然亮起,汽车缓缓驶向舞台中央。

The debut of the all-electric Vison iV adopted an original and unconventional approach. Dancers held several LED light balls forming various shapes while several key words appeared on screen, building tension. At the height of the excitement, the walls of the room showed the body line of Vision iV. The front lights of Vison iV pierced through the wall in a moment of surprise and the walls slowly opened and the car drove onto stage.

梅博纳先生重返舞台向嘉宾们介绍了VISION iV及其主要性能,随之,斯柯达首席设计师Oliver Stefani先生分享了VISION iV的主要设计原理。 VISION iV代表了斯柯达在转型过程中采用的设计DNA,新型车型崭新动感的设计和以往不同,也彰显了斯柯达革故鼎新的品牌态度。

Maier returned to the stage and introduced the features of the VISION iV. Following, Mr. Oliver Stefani, Head of SKODA AUTO Design, shared insights on its key design features with the guests. The VISION iV concept adopted the innovative design DNA of SKODA, yet is leading the transformation into a new era. Fresh and dynamic detailing on the new concept, reflect SKODA's innovative attitude towards the future.

斯柯达首席设计师 Oliver Stefani先生

Mr. Oliver Stefani Head of SKODA AUTO Design

SMS GROUP很荣幸为其策划此次斯柯达品牌日上海活动,为百年斯柯达打造更加年轻动感时尚的品牌形象,以全新的姿态让在场嘉宾在设计、技术和数字化的交融中感受其优越性。正如其品牌宗旨所述,这一切 “实在不简单”。

SMS GROUP was proudly planning this brand day event for SKODA in Shanghai, which showcased the transformation of this century-old company to a young, dynamic brand and allowed the invited guests to grasp a sense of its determination to achieve superiority in design, technology and digitalization. 'Simply Clever', as Skoda’s brand tagline suggests.




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