
项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 酒店及出行

项目日期: 2019-08-08 09:00 2019-08-08 19:00

项目地点: 上海

项目名称: 上海新地标·首家JW万豪侯爵酒店开业




8月8日,中国首家JW万豪侯爵品牌酒店——上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店华丽启幕。ACTIVATION LIQUID秉承酒店雅致奢华格调,为其打造了盛大的开业典礼,并盛邀国际钢琴大师朗朗亲身感受酒店备受赞誉的待客之道。

On August 8th, China's first JW Marriott Marquis Hotel opened in Shanghai. ACTIVATION LIQUID had created a grand opening ceremony that reflected the hotel's sophisticated and lavish style, and invited the internationally renowned pianist Lang Lang to experience firsthand the impeccable hospitality of the hotel.

∙ 开启侯爵传奇


At the event, many celebrities in Shanghai gathered. The guests placed the Griffin signs symbolizing the JW Marriott brand on the sign-in board at the hotel entrance - a piece of artwork that signifies prosperity was created through joint efforts.


The guests passed through the dazzling "Time Gallery", witnessing the beginning of a new legend.

△ 时光长廊

∙ 浇灌枝繁叶茂


At the grand opening, the imaginative event brought guests a visually stunning and impactful experience. The canopy of a towering tree on huge LED screens presented a booming and prosperous sight, interpreting the hotel's journey from a "root" to vibrant prosperity.

△ 传递美好期许的钥匙交接仪式



During the traditional "key handover" session, Mr. Michael Malik, Vice President - East China at Marriott International, passed the key that represents the future glory of the hotel to Ms. Pan Xiaoying, the General Manager of JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai. It was with this good will and spirit that the JW Marriott Marquis Hotel started a brand new chapter on the banks of the Huangpu River.

△ 国际钢琴大师郎朗先生


The JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai welcomed internationally renowned pianist Lang Lang, the "very first" guest of the hotel, who enchanted everyone with the piano piece Liebesträume by Franz Liszt.

∙ 步入沉浸「食」光

△ 音乐剧《成为我们的客人》


The grand opening lunch began with a fascinating musical "Be Our Guest" which brought to life an interpretation of the hotel's meticulous services, and followed by an incredible close-up magic show. The lunch event finished with a modern ballet performance that brought the guests into romantic reverie.


JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai will continue to convey the essence of the JW Marriott brand and take the guests on a journey of rejuvenation from the inside out.




部分信息来自 ACTIVATION 微信公众号内容

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