2017 新加坡仲夏夜空艺术节

项目品牌: 待定

项目行业: 政府项目

项目日期: 2017-08-18 10:00 2017-08-26 22:00

项目地点: 新加坡 艺术文化遗产区

项目名称: 2017 新加坡仲夏夜空艺术节






AUDITOIRE 团队在努力准备着由国家文物局主办的“2017年新加坡仲夏夜空艺术节”。

AUDITOIRE is busy preparing the Singapore National Heritage Board’s largest outdoor art festival: “The Singapore Night Festival 2017”.




The Singapore Night Festival celebrates 10 magical years this year, kicking off on 18th August with the annual Night Lights, an enthralling showcase of light art installations. It culminates in three evenings of revelry on 24th, 25th and 26th August, featuring world-class artists, roving acts and exciting performances, once again lighting up Singapore’s art and heritage district.

由国家文物局主办的标志性的新加坡"仲夏夜空"艺术节(SNF),将在勿拉士巴沙-武吉士区举行。去年约有60万人前来观看 - 今年这场绚丽夺目的艺术节,预计将会吸引更多的人群。

Organized by the National Heritage Board and held in the Bras Basah.Bugis precinct, it is expected to draw big crowds – 600,000 people went to last year’s edition.

Image source: www.dejiki.com

这场艺术节包括70 多个项目,其中大部分都可以免费参加。为了让大家更好的享受这场视觉盛宴,AUDITOIRE向你推荐千万不要错过的10佳奇光夜色和精彩表演。

With more than 70 programmes in the festival, most of which are free, it is impossible to catch them all. So, AUDITOIRE recommends the best 10 that you won’t regret catching:



The iconic Singapore Night Festival (SNF) presented by the National Heritage Board and held in the Bras Basah. Bugis precinct, is an annual art festival featuring highlights from art performances, live music stages and interactive activities.

▲▲Convolutions 投影设备把新加坡国家博物馆外墙变成了古今共存的神奇景色。

Convolutions choreographs every part of the museum in a poetic ballet borrowed from technology where ancient and modern co-exist in great harmony.

Image source: www.dejiki.com

▲▲ The Tree That Blinked 是一系列的在一棵树上面投射的肖像。随着灯光和风向的变化,肖像的表情似乎也发生着变化,传递着身份、代表性和转换的概念。

The Tree That Blinked is a series of portraits projected into a tree, as the work moves and shifts with the wind, expressions seem to change, and the faces appear to undergo changes of age.

▲▲ 这是一种类似“生命之花”的竹制圆顶,在几何结构和灯光映像下创造了丰富多彩的沉思氛围。/ A bamboo dome resembling ‘The Flower of Life’ creating a colorful meditative atmosphere under geometry and reflection.

Image source: www.dejiki.com

▲▲16 个真人大小的雕像,随着回声闪烁着不同的颜色,以不可预知的方式来到人们的生活,与人群互动。/ Flashes go off in an echo, colors change… the 16 human-sized statues come to life in an unpredictable way, transforming the entire installation into a ballet of light.

Image source: www.dejiki.com

▲▲ 一起走进柴科夫斯基1876年创作的芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》,去感受舞者那起舞时的优美和流动,让光亮和声音效果结合着视频运动跟踪技术带给你最真实的互动体验。

Step into the heart of Tchaikovsky’s 1876 ballet, Swan Lake, with Flock! Light, sound and projections with live motion tracking technology. Have fun 'keeping' your personal spotlight as it follows you around.

Image source: www.dejiki.com

▲▲ 使用马戏技术、 烟火表演和视频投影来创造一种独特的自由与飞翔的形象艺术。

GLOBE is an alienating, fairylike spectacle full of symbolism. Using circus techniques, pyrotechnics, and video projection to create the visualization of liberty and the joy of flying.

▲▲ 人的身体上不是头而是两个巨大的复古灯泡?没错,他们在黑暗中闪耀光芒,用光与观众交流,随时准备为他人照亮前行的路。

Two roaming silhouettes topped with huge vintage-style bulbs instead of heads, wander through the dark and invade public spaces.


Journey of Time is a performance that showcases two different dance forms and cultures – Kathak and Flamenco – coming together in an eclectic cultural dialogue with live musicians.

▲▲ 杂技和格斗运动的即兴结合,为观众创造一个独特的互动式"搏击俱乐部"的体验。

The sunPro wrestling is improvised physical theatre and storytelling through a fusion of acrobatics and combat sport creating a unique interactive "fight club" experience.

▲▲ 武术和打鼓的激情碰撞!一场振奋人心的击鼓表演,向人们传递着凉爽的“处暑”即将到来的讯息。

Martial arts meet drumming! An energetic drum performance based on the influence of the sun and the moon to announce the arrival of autumn and cooler weather ("The End of Heat", Chinese Culture).

其他亮点 / Other Highlights

▲▲ 由新加坡仲夏夜空艺术节友情提供 / Image source: The Singapore Night Festival 你对历史文化感兴趣吗?在这9天的时间里,每一家文化历史艺术中心,比如新加坡国家博物馆、新加坡土生华人博物馆、Substation艺术馆等,都会一直开放到午夜 ,不妨进去看看它们可以提供哪些有趣的活动方案吧。

Explore Cultural Institutions after hours, the National Museum of Singapore, the Peranakan Museum, the Substation, to name a few, will remain open till midnight so check out their curated programmes for the SNF too.

我们还建议你去看看 / We also recommend checking out :

▲▲ 在这个奇特的“嗅觉”装置里,观众可以用他们的鼻子进行参观浏览。

By imprinting the aroma to memory, visitors use their 'smell' sense to navigate their way around this installation space!

Image source: www.dejiki.com

厌倦了步行吗?没关系,带着你自己的自行车或骑上由Hello, Bicycle!*公司免费提供的自行车去逛一逛。

And if you are tired of walking, rent a bicycle for free offered by Hello, Bicycle!* or bring your own set of wheels and go on a roll from installation to installation!

Festival Village:


This year’s Festival Village will feature not one but two stages with stellar performances and musical line up from 24th to 26th August! Indulge in shopping and feasting with more than 30 craft and food & beverage stalls.

Photo by Darren Soh | Photographer



Have you checked out all the Night Lights yet? If not, join the Festival 26th August to catch exciting performances on top of all the installations featured in this video by Gov.sg!

千万不要错过今晚的精彩!/ Catch them tonight!

source: Bras Basah.Bugis

Say hello to The Time Minders ...

Meet The Bulb Heads ...





Battle the crowds and be part of the festival that is lighting up the entire city!

▲▲ Photo credit- @tlleow ▲▲ Photo credit- @fx_pixel1080 ▲▲ CONVOLUTIONS BY EZ3KIEL (FR) ▲▲ YANTRONOMY BY TINA FUNG / REZA HASNI ▲▲ NOSTOS - RECORDS OF THE SELF BY AESOP ▲▲ THE BLINKING ORGANISMS — YOU SPLEEN ME' ROUND X OPERATION 00100 BY JOO CHOON LIN, MUSIC BY JOE NG ▲▲ TESSELLATIONS OF TIME BY LITEWERKZ X 3M ▲▲ THE STANDING MEN BY AADN (FR) ▲▲ PHOSPHENE BY PRAXIS + ▲▲ FLOCK BY KMA (UK) ▲▲ THE TREE THAT BLINKED BY KAREL BATA (UK) ▲▲ DREAM CITY WINDOW BY UNTITLED PROJECT ▲▲ Photo credit- @Tse Wei Ng ▲▲ Photo credit- @mypillowsofterthanyours ▲▲ Photo credit- @Ri's Photo Diary ▲▲ Night Festival Showdown by Grapple Max Dojo


The 10th edition of the Singapore Night Festival, which kicked off on 18th August and lit up the whole Bras Basah-Bugis precinct for 9 nights, has reached its end. The festival has attracted more than 600,000 festivalgoers, bringing together more visitors than ever before.


Even with the large crowds, festivalgoers seemed happy with their overall experience and with the new format introduced this year, featuring ongoing night installations for 9 consecutive nights and the last 3 nights of stunning performances.


The programming this year was indeed MAGICAL, a great success from every night light

installations and performances, long queues and huge crowds everywhere.

The Festival is without any doubt becoming more and more popular and gaining more ground in delivering an unforgettable experience to all the festivalgoers.

最吸引人的表演之一是 Close-Act剧团的 GLOBE表演。使用马戏技术、 烟火表演和视频投影来创造一种独特的自由与飞翔的形象艺术。

GLOBE by Close-Act Theatre stunned the crowds at Cathay Green with its huge spheres and display of circus techniques and pyrotechnics. A crane was also used to suspend a performer, who flew through the sky in fairy-like fashion.

另外两个热门装置是Convolutions投影设备,把新加坡国家博物馆外墙变成了古今共存的神奇景色;Phosphene by Praxis+,位于全国设计中心,在洞穴中闪烁着奇幻缤纷的色彩。

Other popular installations include Convolutions by French group EZ3kiel, the full-facade animated light projection on the National Museum of Singapore; and Phosphene by Praxis+, a cavern of twinkling lights at the National Design Centre.


AUDITOIRE is very proud of being part of the great success of this unique festival. We are excited already for the 2018 edition.


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络





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