
项目品牌: PORSCHE 保时捷

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2017-08-31 09:00 2017-09-15 17:00

项目地点: 上海 艺仓美术馆

项目名称: 首届保时捷“中国青年艺术家年度评选”


Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year”


上海 艺仓美术馆

项目预热 - 微博



8月31日 在上海艺仓美术馆,AUDITOIRE 召开了保时捷首届“中国青年艺术家年度评选”提名展新闻发布会 On 31st August, AUDITOIRE designed, produced and managed the First Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year” Nominees’ Exhibition Press Conference @ Modern Art Museum Shanghai

由保时捷中国与ART021上海廿一当代艺术博览会联合举办的保时捷首届“中国青年艺术家年度评选”提名展,于2017年8月31日正式在上海拉开了帷幕 。展览从8月31日至9月15日在上海艺仓美术馆开放,期间将展出所有候选艺术家的优秀作品。

The First Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year” programme, jointly hosted by Porsche and the ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, is back with the programme’s nominees’ artwork exhibition. The Exhibition was officially announced at the Press Conference on 31st August and will be open to the public until 15th September at the Modern Art Museum of Shanghai.


The Press Conference shows appreciations to the artists’ exploration and practice of diversified art forms and admiration of the worldview and critical thought communicated through their artistic creations.

▲ 保时捷中国总裁及首席执行官方智勇先生致辞/ Speech by Mr. Franz Jung, President and Chief

Executive Officer of Porsche China

保时捷首届“中国青年艺术家年度评选” 被提名艺术家:/ The Nominees:

1. 丁力 Ding Li

2. 冯琳 Feng Lin

3. 陆平原 Lu Ping Yuan

4. 黎小杰 Lai Sio Kit

5. 马海蛟 Ma Hai Jiao

6. 马灵丽 Ma Ling Li

7. 苗颖 Miao Ying

8. 吴俊勇 Wu Jun Yong

9. 许力炜 Xu Li Wei

10. 姚清妹 Yao Qing Mei

11. 杨鑫 Yang Xin

12. 詹蕤 Zhan Rui

13. 赵文悦 Zhao Wen Yue

14. 赵要 Zhao Yao

15. 张鼎 Zhang Ding


The Exhibition comprises 39 artworks in total created by the 15 Nominees, ranging from oil and canvas paintings, photography pieces, interactive installations, digital animations etc. All the artworks reflect a blend of art and innovation with a touch of young creativity.

▲ 合影 - 左起:ART021上海廿一当代艺术博览会艺术总监周颖女士、ART021上海廿一当代艺术博览会联合创始人应青蓝女士、保时捷中国总裁及首席执行官方智勇先生、保时捷中国公关媒体总监唐凤靓女士。/ From left to right: Ms. Zhou Ying, Art Director of the ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Ms. Kelly Ying, Co-founder of the ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Mr. Franz Jung, President and Chief Executive Officer of Porsche China, Ms. Jojo Tang, PR Director

Porsche China.

▲ 合影 - 被提名艺术家和提名委员 / Group photo - The Nominees and the Nomination Committee


图片及视频来自 Auditoire 微信公众号及品牌公开信息,出处见网络


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