全新smart fortwo发布会

项目品牌: smart

项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2015-07-13 09:00 2015-07-13 17:00

项目地点: 杭州

项目名称: 全新smart fortwo发布会

全新smart fortwo发布会


杭州 黄龙体育场



  • Professional snowboarders and summer snow.
  • 职业滑雪运动员与夏日冰雪。
  • Professional contortionists.
  • 职业杂技演员。
  • Celebrity and international performances.
  • 明星与国际化表演。
  • Test driving new cars.
  • 试驾新车。
  • Infinite gifts and take aways.
  • 无限的礼物与纪念品。

These are only a few of the elements that took part in the smart fortwo C453 launch event this July 30,2015 in Huanglong Stadium, Hangzhou.

通过以上的节目,可以一瞥在2015年7月30日于杭州黄龙体育场举办的smart fortwo C453的发布盛况。

Once again, our long time client Mercedes Benz smart, approached us with another challenging yet exciting case for the launch of the new smart fortwo.

当我们的长期合作伙伴Mercedes Benz smart再一次找到我们时,他们带来了这个充满挑战又令人激动的项目,那就是为全新smart fortwo举办发布会。

They wanted it all FOR MORE. FOR more surprises, FOR more amusement, FOR more exhilaration, FOR more shopping, FOR more love, FOR MORE FUN! All incorporated in a cheerful, and action packed TV Show themed evening, where the happy, friendly, colorful, and urban essence of the Smart was represented not only in the main show, but in all aspects of the event.


In order to make this possible,we had to step it up. This launch was not just about showcasing the grandiosity of the brand and new smart fortwo, it was also about creating a high impact and interactive experience, along with long lasting memories and impressions.

为了实现这个目标,我们必须让活动的档次更上一层楼。本次的发布不仅仅要展示Smart品牌和全新smart fortwo的高大形象,还要创造一次有力的冲击和互动的体验,给观众留下难以忘怀的记忆,愈久弥新的观感。

As our guests entered the venue, they were welcomed with professional snowboarders and skiers leaping off a 5-meter jump. Meanwhile, on the other side of the entrance, guests could also test drive the new smart for two in our custom made driving courses.

当我们的宾客进入会场时,迎接他们的是职业滑雪运动员们跳下5米跳台的场面。同时,在入口的另一边,宾客们还能在我们特别定制的驾驶课程中试驾全新的 smart fortwo。

Continuing up the staircase, the doors of the stadium unveiled a buoyant and cheerful scene. A reception dedicated to a variety of fun and engaging activities. Where laughter, smiles, meetings and animated conversations filled the room with a positive and exalting ring.


Everyone was lead to the stage area once the main show was about to begin. The show included ten impressive full sized LED screens, guest speakers, international performers, and four celebrity teams competing against each other; All displaying different features and highlights of the new smart fortwo.

主场表演即将开始,大家被带领到舞台前。舞台上装设了引人瞩目的全尺寸LED屏幕,同时演讲嘉宾,国际表演者,四个明星团队互相比赛;全新 smartfortwo所拥有的不同特色和突出强项一一展现在观众眼前。

We had the privilege to have guest speakers Annete Winkler, CEO of smart, and Nicholas Speeks, president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz China, welcome everyone and introduce the new smart fortwo.

我们荣幸地请到了smart 的 CEO,Annete Winkler 和 Mercedes-Benz 中国区主席兼 CEO, Nicholas Speeks 作为我们的演讲嘉宾欢迎各位的到来并向大家介绍全新的 smart fortwo。

Opening Performances by the power dancing duo Peralta Twins!

我们的开场表演由劲舞二人组Peralta Twins!

And the great company of celebrity hosts and performers like: Xie Na, Li Weijia, Han Geng, Lou Yixiao, Huang Liling, Ning Huanyu, Zhang Junning, and Wang Zulan.


As the show came to an end, the after party began! The exit of the main stage took us back to the initial reception, but this time boosted up with a DJ and a team of professionalcontortionists.


It was a remarkable eveningfor all. Where smart left a long-lasting impression to all who were present. We are looking forward to our next project and challenge with this unique and urban car.





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