Tory Burch “Destination Anywhere随心所行” 体验展
项目品牌: 待定
项目行业: 服装及鞋履
2019-03-07 10:00
2019-03-17 22:00
项目地点: 上海 嘉里中心
项目名称: Tory Burch “Destination Anywhere随心所行” 体验展
Tory Burch “Destination Anywhere随心所行” 体验展
上海 嘉里中心
Tory Burch is celebrating the launch of its Spring/Summer 2019 collection with a unique interactive experience at Kerry Centre in Shanghai on March 7 through March 17.
Inspired by key prints of the season — nautical, striped and something wild — the travel-themed Destination Anywhere pop-up was designed into three parts.
无边海洋 The Open Sea
The first space transports guests to the open sea, where they can take in a beachside view and watch the season’s campaign video, filmed off the coast of Antigua.
风情集市 The Exotic Market
The second space is designed as an exotic market — visitors can use their phones to scan QR codes and learn about the inspiration for 2019SS.
浪漫花园 The Romantic Garden
The final room features ivy-covered walls and trellises dotted with lemons — a reference to the brand’s 2019SS runway show —a photo booth for guests to commemorate their visit and touch screen memory card games displaying the season’s prints.
著名演员娜扎与秦岚受邀亮相现场,与品牌亚太区总裁Michel Gonzalez先生及嘉里中心总经理解青小姐共同庆祝体验展的开幕。
Famous actresses QinLan and Nazha were invited to celebrate the opening with Mr. Michel Gonzalez, President at Tory Burch Asia Pacific, and Ms. Xie Qing, General Manager of Kerry Centre.
娜扎身穿Tory Burch 2019 春夏系列蕾丝连衣裙,尽显俏皮可人
秦岚身着Tory Burch2019春夏系列针织裹身裙叠搭同系列口袋T恤,浪漫随性
作为一个美式生活方式品牌,Tory Burch倡导个性、美丽和自信的多彩生活。
Tory Burch is an American lifestyle brand that inspires people around the world to live in full color with character, beauty and confidence.
部分信息来自 APAX 微信公众号内容