大众汽车 ARTEON 全新发布 by SMS


项目行业: 汽车及制造

项目日期: 2021-01-23 10:00 2021-01-23 17:00

项目地点: 台湾 台南美术馆二馆

项目名称: 大众汽车 ARTEON 全新发布 by SMS

承袭艺术之美的大众汽车 The Arteon 于 1 月 23 日在全台六个全新大众展间绝美上市,SMS GROUP 以 “The Arteon Gallery 全感艺境御赏” 的整体概念策划并执行了前期的产品教育训练活动及上市发布会。极致德系工艺之作的 The Arteon 以崭新的面貌惊艳世人。

Inspired by the beauty of art, the Volkswagen Arteon was launched in six highly aesthetical showroom events across Taiwan, sporting Volkswagen’s New Brand Design on January 23rd. SMS GROUP planned and executed product training and media launch of the stunning fastback and its new shooting-brake variant. Pinnacle of Volkswagen’s craftsmanship, The Arteon captivates audiences with its brand-new look.

1 月 5 日至 1 月 9 日,为期五天的 Arteon 产品教育训练在艺术殿堂台南美术馆二馆绝美展开,SMS GROUP 将现场打造为融合艺术和生活美学的情境氛围,让销售顾问们沉浸在 Arteon 的美学世界里。

SMS GROUP designed and built the space for the five-day Arteon product training lasting from January 5th to January 9th in the Tainan Art Museum to combine art and lifestyle aesthetics, allowing dealers to experience the beauty of the Arteon.

1 月 23 日,The Arteon 终于绝美上市!

On January 23rd The Arteon was finally unveiled to media guests and the public in an exciting launch.

The Arteon Gallery 全感艺境御赏会分为了五大展区,分别为 Beauty, Performance, Taste, Immersion, Digitalization。让大众更加全方位的体验 Arteon 的极致美学。

 The Arteon Gallery was divided into five exhibition areas, namely ‘Beauty’, ‘Performance’, ‘Taste’,  ‘Immersion’, ‘Digitalization’ to let the guests experience the features of the Arteon more comprehensively.

The Arteon Gallery 以现场导览的方式一一为来宾讲解包括摄影大师李屏宾为 Arteon 拍摄的艺术绝美画面,全车室内装使用的意大利顶级 Nappa 皮革,顶级 Harman Kardon 车用音响等。

The Arteon Gallery Guide led guests through the experience, explaining the exhibits in every area, including the stunning, artistic Arteon photos taken by photographer Lee Ping-Bing, the top Italian Nappa leather used in the interior of the Arteon, and the high-class Harman Kardon in-car speaker system.

Arteon 的绝美发布,SMS GROUP 从产品教育训练到发布会,整体贯穿了 “The Arteon Gallery 全感艺境御赏” 的概念,打造针对不同受众的多感官体验,展现 Arteon 的极致绝美工艺,并传达大众汽车品牌的活力与迷人的艺术魅力。

For the launch campaign of the Volkswagen Arteon, SMS GROUP created multi-sensorial exhibition targeting various audiences with ‘The Arteon Gallery’. From the product training to the launch event demonstrating the ultimate beauty and avantgarde vision of the Arteon, matching the Volkswagen brand's renewed vitality and the product’s artistic character.




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